Micromax's redsea max 130 with radion leds


theres a link on this thread for on of the sponsors . you find one there last i looked they ran 600 for a premade with lights .. but they might be less now


I looked and the link doesn't work:(. Could you post how you have set yours up? I have spring break next week and would love to set it up


Well-Known Member
i should have named this thread micromax's redsea max 130 with radion leds but .... owell would have been better in the long run for tank updates

If you would like me to change the title to "micromax's redsea max 130 with radion leds" , just let me know & I will make that happen :dance: or anyone else that wants a thread title change... just PM me :)


hi jake .. im gona do better then that . i will clean it and have my wife video tape it while i am and ill post that as well as a quick overview of how i set it up and the mats i used to make it. i will also try to get my measurements posted aswell or vid but thats gotta be very correct or it would be a big waste of time/money making a box that wont work . ill try today but might not be till tomorrow as ill need wifes help and thats out of my control lol..


Hey Micromax,
Well I got my ecotech radion today!!! I gutted my hood and installed the light very similar to how you described. I got some industrial strenght velcro and a pice of styrofoam. Entire install took about a hour. I left my fans in running on stock timer. These lights are incredible. Thanks for your videos!!!

ps I did leave rsm lens in to protect light from splashes and humidity seems to have no effect


well i just cleaned my scrubber and here is the video . i made this scrubber myself for about 200.00 thats the 3 24 watt power compact fixtures and bulbs , the acrylic and pump hose, the pump which is a 550 , big pump as i wanted a lot of water flow . thanks for watching and taking the time to post . scrubber 003 - YouTube


Any word on light testing with or without rsm lens. I have my radion up to about 50 % percent now with the RSM lens on and corals seem to be adjusting well. I really couldnt be happier with this light no problems at all.



yes in fact yesterday my buddy came over and we tested ....... the following was more or less close to directly under the light itself , 1 inch below the surface was 360 ish par 6 inches deep was 330ish at the bottom of my 130 max at sand lv 180 par as i moved off to the sides it droped to 230 at 6 inches below surface . i didnt do 1 inch at the edges as it would not matter , i was as low as 130par at sand lv in the far edges this is all at 50 percent with a 18k midmorning moving to 14k more or less high noon and back to a 18k mid/late afternoon . i am so very happy . now this is without the plastic splash guard and im sorry to say i didnt think to put it on to see if there was a change as we where in a hurry doing this on his lunch break from his store and i didnt wana be rude ....


Micromax, I love your set up! great tank my friend! I am thinking of going with the led's in near future as well and I'm glad to hear yours are working out!


Now that you have had your Radions running a few months, can you provide an update on how they are working out for you? Did you run into any issues with humidity having them in the hood? Are you still running at 50%.
