maroon clown eggs

I just discovered today that my maroon clown pair that i got over a year ago had their first breeding. The egg cluster is right by the RBTA and they are fanning away on it. I dont know what to do since i have so many other fish in the tank, i really dont think they will mess with them for the time being because the mother is very protective(she bites me). I didnt know if any of the babies will make it after the hatch. Let me know your opinion.


New Member
First of all congrats on your maroons spawning. I myself have been trying to breed clowns for several months with no results yet.
Second they might not lay on the tile because they already have a spot in which they lay. I have read other breeders blogs and Joyce Wilkerson's book and all have said that when they tried covering a spawn site the pair either stopped spawning or moved the tile. Also the babies will definitely not make it in the take by themselves. the parents stop caring after the hatch and will eat all the fry if kept in the tank.

Word of advice if you plan on raising these little guys is to either buy Joyce's book or read different threads on here. Woodstock had an amazing thread on breeding clowns that has all the information you could want.

The fry need to eat rotifers when newly hatched and be transfered into a separate breeding tank.
Thanks, im really happy they are spawning as adults. I got them each at around an inch a year ago. I tried not to cover the spot of the first two spawns, which would have been very difficult as well. i have two rbta that are side by side and she lays the eggs right between them. I have done alot of reading recently on raising them, a file i found from Karen Bradley's book really helped. I located some rotifers both semi locally and online and i plan to have a culture going soon. Hopefully i will be prepared by the next spawn. Thanks for the advice, it is much appreciated since i know nothing on this subject.


My Maroon Clowns seem to spawn all the time, I've had them for about five years or so. I will say they normally go back to the same spot when they do. And that was always around the base of my BTA. A year or so back when I lost my BTA, they started to spawn in a back corner of the tank behind the rocks. And even with the addition of a new BTA about 4 months back, they still choose this spot. I've recently rearranged some of the aquascape and they haven't spawned (to my knowledge) since I've done it. However I am curios to see if they will now start spawning by the BTA again. My Chromis's also spawn on the back wall of my tank too, just above and left of where my clowns do. I've personally never looked into trying to hatch them. Mainly since from what I've read I'd have to have a whole separate tank set up just for this purpose. I will say it's a interesting part of nature to witness, and I wish you all the luck in your efforts to hatch them.
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New Member
I will look at the other posts also - I have seen pictures of the tile but is it any specific type? white? I have two Maroon clowns practicing as well. I would definitly have to pull them or the tile quickly from my main tank.