Lorraine's Bluespot Heaven


Well-Known Member
OMG!!!!:tears: :tears: :tears: Why? Why? Why?
I am so sorry Loraine. Do you know where they are scaping from?:( :( :( :tears: :tears: A sad Day....A say Day.


Well-Known Member
I think my dogs get in the tank at night while I am sleeping and fish them out!

I think BB went right through the net. GG, who knows ~ my dog found her on the floor. He was so caring and concerned, but it was too late.


Well-Known Member
NO,,,BSC is not closed....a temp time out for recovery

im so sorry! truly,,,and this is dave,,,not witty saying this.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for your thoughts. I am afraid Bluespot Heaven is really closed for good. I had high hopes for BB and GG. They were so happy!


Well-Known Member
Oh NO! I'm so sorry to hear about this. You must be very disappointed.

Yes, please don't quit on BSJF. Just take a break and don't close the heaven forever. Maybe a fresh set of eyes to inspect your cover would help? Someone else might find the secret spot they are using.


Smile Maker
Lorraine, I grieve with you for your loss. Hard things are put in our way, not to stop us, but to call out our courage and strength. You are the reason I have a BS and why I tried a second time. For that you are successful. Your contributions to this thread have been immense and your enthusiasm shall not wane. Confucius once said,

The greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising up every time we fall.

You will have a BS again, I know it!:D
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