lighting the nano


I'm now looking for a PC system for my nano.

On my previous systems I've had good luck with the Current Sattelite models.
Here is one that I found for a 10g.

It comes with a 1 x 40 watt 10,000k/460 actinic bulb.

Keep in mind that it will be a soft coral only tank ( Zoa's - Xenia's - and the like )

The total depth of the tank is only 12" and after I add the Live Rock, most of the corals would be approximately 6" away from the light.


Active Member
I might go with a 2 bulb setup, using PC lighting you usually want to overkill it a little bit just to be on the safe side. Thats just my opinion though, im running 5 watts per gallon of PC lighting on my 55 and would like more light.


I agree with J-man. I have a 12g Nano here on my desk that came with a 2 bulb unit and I added a 3rd one and wish I had MORE!! Keep in mine I'm a LIGHT NUT! I love LIGHT! I'm pushing a 10g tank at home with 130W of PC light so take my advice with a grain of salt (Sea Salt preferably).


Active Member
I will be doing the same thing once i get my light for nanoreefsrcool. I payed for it about a week ago but havent heard from him since, i really hope hes ok.

But anyways, you are probably going to want to throw some serious light at it if you are using PC lighting.


I know everyone "shuns" the watts per gallon rule. I failed to mention that it's for a 10g also.....4 watts per gallon......let's just say for now I could only afford a "basic" model such as the one I suggested. Would that be ENOUGH for my softies???

BigAl: I remember about a year ago I ran across an AMAZING thread of yours. It was a chronicle thread of your 10g. Is it still out there? If so, I'd love to check it out!


I'm flattered with your kind words. It's in my signature down below. Thank you for the kind words :D

Yeah I'm not a fan of the Watts-per-gallon rule at all but you may have already heard one of my many rants about that so I'll cut it short today (yeah right). Just way to many variables to enter into the equation. I'm sure you'll be able to do some softies and simple corals in there but I also know how THAT works out. I bought THREE light fixtures before I was happy with one (4th one I bought) just because as I was "Growing" the light fixture was a sticking point.

I started with a standard Fluorescent fixture (like for FW). A month or so I bought a 30-ish W single bulb fixture. Then I decided I needed more so I bought a double bulb of the same type (LFS loved seeing ME walk through the front door). Once again I "NEEDED" more so I bought the 130w (2x65w) fixture I have now and WOW! I love it!!

Be sure to get what works for you. Don't let some techno-geek talk you into more than you really want :)


Active Member
I agree with Al about the watts per gallon rule, i was just using it as an example for why he may want to go with more light. That is one of the rules you learn very quickly to not trust, but for explanations it does come in handy every now and then.


Well-Known Member
how much does that fixture cost. you might be able to doing something else for cheaper. look up a diy metal halide. those are pretty cheap as you only need to buy mh ballest and bulb


Hey guys just a quick update......

I found a sale on a Current model and I ended up with:

24inch model 1x65 watt 10,000k/460 actinic satellite PC
Should be plenty to get my nano started with some softies.

$59.99 + $6.00 to get it to my door.

The last one I ordered took about 10 days to get here

I ordered it I've used them before and can't complain.

I'm HOPING that by the end of the weekend I'll get this tank up and my other one down so, hopefully I'll have something to show you guys soon.



Active Member
Looks like a good find on the light, i finally got mine in the mail, it was a 130 watt current pc fixture for 70 but it was used so thats where the difference was.

And what part of N.E Ohio are you in, i am about an hour north of pittsburgh about about 30 mins(slow driving) east of youngstown, so I may be really close to you. I am about 99.999% sure i could not take him but what size is he and stuff like that, i may be able to help you look around.


That's cool. If you're 30 min east of Youngstown, I'm about 10 minutes north of it - Niles area

The Tang is in perfect health and is approximately 4 inches in size....I've had him for about 5 months now so I'm pretty positive he is free of all "ailments".

I paid $47.99 and pretty much any offer takes him. It would just kill me to give him back to the store for "free" - especially after god knows ( and I know everyone can relate to this ) how much money I've spent there.

You might even know the place.... T W Petcenter? Minerel Ridge area. It's right in the middle of me and Youngstown.


Active Member
I shop at TW Petcenter actually, its about 15 minutes from my house. Its amazing to me that I have found someone who lives even remotely close to me on this site....haha.


that IS crazy!

I definitely can't say anything negative about the quality of their livestock BUT I have had to fight with the guy once about their "service"

Just seems to me that you got the same treatment whether I was buying a $1 crab or $500+ on an entire setup.

nevermind, it's a long story lol


Active Member
I haven't bought alot from them, i used a place in cranberry, PA for a while because they had a huge selection and the prices were cheaper than online prices not including shipping so it was worth the 35-40 minute drive. But that place said they were moving somewhere and then never showed back up so I dont know what happened to that, so im new when it comes to TW Pets. It just seems really expensive there to me, but maybe im just spoiled...haha. And i just noticed we completely jacked this poor guys thread :( I would love to continue this conversation somewhere else, check out my 55gallon build chronicle in my signature and comment there, we can just move it on over to that section.

Anyways, :threadjack: :threadjack: :threadjack:


Active Member
Scratch that all, this is YOUR thread...haha. See what happens when its still early in the "morning" for me, i get all confused and make an idiot out of myself. Anyways, about that pet store....LOL