lighting redesign


Initially my tank (265g) had 3 spider reflectors running 1 400/20k and 2 250/20k bulbs and I'm running a 660 with 16' of actinic VHO's and 4 small lunar lights.

I just upgraded to luminarc reflectors and added another 400/20k. Problem is I have 9 plugs on strip timers to coordinate it all. I"m wanting to simplify it a bit. First off I"m getting rid of the lunars I'm running now which use 4 plugs over to the currect led's that link together. That will eliminate 3 plugs right there.
I'm wondering now if I can just totally eliminate the VHO's? I could have the 250's come on early then mid to late day have the 400's come on. Then in the evening have 400's off with only the 250's running until time for only the lunar light cycle.
Would I have enough broad spectrum light for coral requirments?