

This will be a negative post.

I've heard so much hype over this product, and finally decided to give it a try after my pathetic experience with Ich-Attack by Kordon who made this 100% organic reef safe solution. I have a powder blue, powder brown, and orange shoulder tang, along with two clownfish and 4 bangaii cardinal babies. Ich had its first attack among my tangs... It looked like it was working, just black dots on my tangs so i thought they were dropping off, two days later, hits again, 2 days again, and again. Been about 3 weeks, powder brown and blue dead, two cardinals dead, and one of my clowns has the clownfish disease. Not blaming cardinals, or clownfish problems in kick-ich, just wanted to stress these last few weeks. Very unhappy with kick-ich, let me know what your experiences have been.

Here's my perams right now.

Calcium 500 roughly

Clownfish A, and B dont have any signs of ich, neither do the two cardinals.

Leave your experience with kick-ich so i can figure out what went wrong.


DUDE! You need to empty the tank and leave it fallow. You broke almost EVERY rule in the book with that tank and honestly I don't think ANY medicine can fix poor husbandry.

Sorry to hear about your losses but this is the classic how to NOT do a Reef Tank. You know better than this buddy.


I used Kick-ich and it did kill the visable stuff but since ich is a several stage infection it would just come back. I spent atleast $120 on kick-ich and still had ich in my tank so don't bother with that stuff. The only way you can get it out of your tank is to take all the fish out and treat them and let the tank run without fish for several months.

new reefer 03

Active Member


Active Member
If you are describing black spots, it's not ich, it Turbellarians. They are a worm parasite that is common on tangs, also referred to as black ich.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Agree on the Tubellarians. But don't blame the cure, blame the cause.
I have a powder blue, powder brown, and orange shoulder tang, along with two clownfish and 4 bangaii cardinal babies
This is in a 55g? Honestly, you simply cannot keep those fish healthy in that size tank.
I'm really sorry for your loss, but start over (slowly), research what will do well in your tank, ask questions, and go from there. You do not want even one Tang in that tank.


Active Member
Might be time for a restart, and an excuse to get a bigger tank. Just make sure you take it slower this time, and make sure you dont overstock it. Anyways, lessons learned I guess, right?


Active Member
Agree on the Tubellarians. But don't blame the cure, blame the cause.

This is in a 55g? Honestly, you simply cannot keep those fish healthy in that size tank.
I'm really sorry for your loss, but start over (slowly), research what will do well in your tank, ask questions, and go from there. You do not want even one Tang in that tank.

Very true, this is all too common with many people.


Agree on the Tubellarians. But don't blame the cure, blame the cause.

This is in a 55g? Honestly, you simply cannot keep those fish healthy in that size tank.
I'm really sorry for your loss, but start over (slowly), research what will do well in your tank, ask questions, and go from there. You do not want even one Tang in that tank.

I have it all in a 125gallon now.

Bigal is right all along tho, things started to catch up to me. Eh, i hate learning from experience only, seems to be the only real thing i learn from.


sorry for the late update, im working on my business and its going pritty well. just busy, Everybody is in a 125gallon now, with a 45 sump, and a G1x Protein skimmer. Saving up for new lights, Overstocking is a problem.


I had ich on a flame angel and royal gramma I tried the organic product and just watched the problem get worse. Both fish died. They were the only vertibrates I had. I raised the temp to 82, and have been using kick ich. It's been fishless for 3 weeks now. I just put 2 clownfish into QT yesterday and plan on keeping them there for 3 or 4 weeks before I introduce them to the DT.

Btw, this IS an attempt to hijack your thread and get some feedback on my ich strategy.


Well-Known Member
raising the temp as far i as i know will help ick spread. the tanks needs to remain falloe for 6weeks. 8 weeks is better. check out those threads new reefer posted in his first post. also are you using the kick ick stuff in your dt? if so there is no reason to and it is a waste of money. ick will die without a host
also if you have already sarted using chemicals for ich and stuff like that which i would have never done any way you can also use a uv sterilizer to nuc the ich while it is looking for a host in the tank


Think the only reasonable solution to ich is to remove fish and qt them for a few weeks while the ich life cycle draws to a close in my tank? UV is definatly a good idea for when you have 0 fish livestock in your tank, but wont really help with anything else.


Can anyone second the statement regarding raising temperature and ich spreading? I thought that it sped up the life cycle?

Thank you.