Just skimmer...


Active Member
They look like the ones I had in my concrete vats when I was in the freshwater business, but mine where round. Can't remember what I paid for those, they were not cheap, I do remember that.


Active Member
I always had problems with my old airstone skimmer. For one, god it sucked yanking those out every month and putting in new ones. Are you really going to modify your stones every month when they clog? But more importantly there was no way to gauge their breakdown. As the stones became plugged the skimmer had to be contantly adjusted to get decent skimmate. Sure it worked great for the first week, but rapidly degraded after that. The hassle with that skimmer is one of the reasons I took a 5 year break.


Well-Known Member
These guys sell them. They also sell a pre made 1" Beckett Protein Skimmer Assembly. I just got the Beckett's. I plan on making my own housing.
Here's the skimmer i am building. Barr Aquatic Systems - Custom Sumps - Beckett Protein Skimmers - Kalk (Nilson) Reactors - Calcium Reactors - Waste Collectors - Reef Systems - Salt Water Systems
I have to say this is the best way to mix bubbles that i have seen yet. I chose this over the bubble king that i think is over rated, personally.
I do like the skimmer Johnathan made that i posted up top though. I just can't justify the maintenance.


Well-Known Member
Drain for the skimmer. The line on the right is the side of the skimmer. The top tube is the drain, dictates water level in skimmer body. The other two are air. Removable pipe cap to replace air stones.


Well-Known Member
Running! Last night it pulled out really wet stuff, was liquid like pee. Really looked like pee. About an inch of it. there is .25" of 'pee' in the cup now, but I played around with the water height so we'll see what happens. I also got the stones to the bottom, all working now too. I am hoping for something gross in the morning ( in the collection cup, that is... lol ). I want to give a big thanks to Sasquatch for this. Really a big help. Whether its a plastic kidney, or a skimmer, I never could have done this alone. Pics to come soonish, I finished off the roll of filme.