Just looking 4 some advice


I have a trumpet coral,Xenia and a hammer coral i m just wondering if anyone can recommend some supplements to help my corals grow. They are healthy but i really am not seeing any splitting with any of them since my trumpet split from 4 to 6 heads there is some change i noticed with the hammer it seems one head has started to split. The tank is a 24 gallon aquapod 11 months old i have about 23 pounds of live rock that has rerally nice corraline on it any advice will be appreciated.:fingerx:


It takes time :-D. I use the B-IONIC and thats it in my tank and everything looks great and some of the corals grow like weeds. What type of lights you use may also have a part to play.


your lights will have a profound effect on coral growth.

Only DOSE for what you TEST for! Anything else is a risk and potential waste of money.


just the factory bulbs which are 64 watt compacts.

Upgraded lighting may help. Keep in mind that PC lights are the LEAST intense of the lights available in our hobby. More light = more energy available. More energy "MAY" mean more coral growth. Really as long as they are healthy you're doing something right and I wouldn't rush it.

redsea reefer

Well-Known Member
Upgraded lighting may help. Keep in mind that PC lights are the LEAST intense of the lights available in our hobby. More light = more energy available. More energy "MAY" mean more coral growth. Really as long as they are healthy you're doing something right and I wouldn't rush it.

I would also say better lighting...


If by trumpet you mean what is also called candy cane they can also do with spot feeding to help growth. I have one about 8 inches from a 65 W pc and it is in need of fragging about once a year to keep it from over reaching its neighbors. I feed mysis or chopped squid once a week.


Ok i will get some mysis.. Currently there are six heads should i feed at night and how much?


They generally have their feeders out a night but you can get them to open up in the daytime to feed by squirting a little food in their direction and waiting a few minutes for the heads to respond. Mine will open up anytime they sense a meal.