Jewel Anenomes??


hey RS,
just wondering if anyone had heard of "jewel anenomes"? (Corynactis viridis)
they seem to be about the size of zoas and are absolutely gorgeous.
can you tell i would love to own a rockful?

so if there are any jewel anenome gurus out there my questions are thus:
1. are these cold water species? i read that they can be found in the med, though they're more common around great britan...
2. what's the tentacle situation? will they wipe out everything i their path or be relatively peaceful?
3. if they're true aneneomes, obviously they don't photosynthesize, but they're so teensy i wonder how you would feed them....

lastly, does anyone keep these? (do you know where they're sold?)

i'm guessing that even teensy beautiful anenomes would not be the best choice in my wee 8 gallon, however a big tank is in my (sadly distant) future and I WANT THEM!! :)
you may need to talk me out of this.... hehe.

thanks all!
oh, and just to prove my point....LOOK HOW PRETTY!!!!




Active Member
They appear to be Strawberry Anemones.. And yes those need water below 60 degrees if memory serves. I almost started up a coldwater system a couple years back; These were going to be the centerpiece.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure that Corynactis viridis, haddoni and others are true anemones, thats what it sounds like to me, however they do grow like zoes. They come in a variety of colors (See link; jewel - Google Image Search ). You are right in saying they are non photosynthetic. They live in shaded arees og the lower shors and subtidal areas of Britain and Ireland. There dietary needs are of small particles not unlike pods and larvae. They have not been commonly kept in aquariums despite there looks ( ) so I would not attempt it.


hehe you got it Al.
thanks all for your helpful information....who wants to help me set up a cold water system?!?! :D