It happened AGAIN!!


in re to your moon phases.....are your lights doing the same thing as the moon?

Mike not at all on this tank. I don't even have ANY moonlights what so ever on this tank. It's in my office and the tank gets zero light from 5pm until 7:30am and NONE over weekends or holidays. My office in deep inside of a building and when the main lights of the building go out it gets pitch black in my office.

My tank at home has extremely accurate and realistic moonphase rendering from the GHL ProfiLux and the SimuStick I have but not this tank.


Hi Mate,

great stuff!!! Loved the pics.

So the tank that doesn't simulate the moon and has blackness over weekends and holidays is the one that has spawned, you don't read about that everyday, to a degree that contradicts everything.....

unbelievably amazing though, good stuff, if you could find the explanation behind it would be even better, how would a coral know to spawn at the same time each year under those lighting conditions??


Hi Mate,

great stuff!!! Loved the pics.

So the tank that doesn't simulate the moon and has blackness over weekends and holidays is the one that has spawned, you don't read about that everyday, to a degree that contradicts everything.....

unbelievably amazing though, good stuff, if you could find the explanation behind it would be even better, how would a coral know to spawn at the same time each year under those lighting conditions??

Yes that's exactly right. Also keep in mind that my office is 100% climate controlled (temperature, humidity etc) so it's pretty much the same year round so no seasonal temp change either.


I came into my office today and my office tank has again SPAWNED! It must have mostly happened predawn but there are still "eggs" floating in my tank and being released from the GSP right now.

11/24/2014 Predawn AM start (still occurring 9:00am)
Here are the "Details" for comparison:
Lunar phase today is Waxing Crescent.
The current moon phase is from 2014-11-22 12:32 to 2014-11-29 10:07.
The moon is in zodiac sign Sagittarius

We had some significant weather (Rain & wind) yesterday and today is chilly and very windy.

Here is a graphical depiction of what the current moon phase is:

Mike Johnson

Well-Known Member
You will find that all spawning events occur according to the cycle of moon. Full moon to a larger extent than the new moon. The three days after each one.


Today 3/18/2015 my office tank spawned again. I came into my office this morning at 8am and the tank was in FULL SPAWN.

3/18/2015 Predawn start (still in FULL spawn at 8:20am)
Current Details:
Lunar phase today is Waning Crescent.
The current moon phase is from 2015-03-13 18:49 to 2015-03-20 10:38.
The moon is in zodiac sign Aquarius

No significant weather in last 48 hours. Uncharacteristically warm and bluebird clear skies for the last two days. We do have a cold front moving in later tonight/tomorrow.

The moon is growing smaller (old moon)
Fraction of the moon: 0.92470625316663
Illumination of the moon disk: 5 %

Moon angular diameter: 0.55 °
Sun angular diameter: 0.54 °