Ich on false percula clownfish


Hey Guys,

Two weeks or so ago I added a pair of ORA tank raised tear-drop ocellaris clowns to my nano. The one clown got ich fairly quickly but it seemed to clear up after several days and it was a mild case. This morning he was pretty peppered with small white cysts. I took 3 gallons of water out of the nano and stuck it in a little 5 gallon acrylic tank I have. I stuck a heater in there as well as a powerhead w/ venturi and some fake coral decorations. I am treating him w/ cupramine. The other clown doesnt show any signs of ich and has never gotten it. Think I should pull him as well?


The "iched" one could be stressed where-by causing it's immune system to suffer and allowing the ICH to run freely.

I'd assume if one has it the other one does to SOME degree but I wouldn't put them together in a 3g tank or you may increase the stress. Have any other tanks?


Yeah, I do have some other tanks, or I could just set up a 10 gallon qt and put them both there. They are both strong eaters and seem healthy. Even with all the cysts the little guy seems to be doing well otherwise. I thought maybe the ich would clear up without treatment but I'm getting worried it will not.


I was more worried about them being together in general. It's possible the larger is being a bully to the smaller one causing the stress which is allowing the ICH to take a strong hold. Have you noticed anything like this?