I need to know, is it Ich?


I was observing my fish in my tank today, and I think My New Pygmy Angel is Sick.I saw tiny white dots on both sides if the tail and abdomen, I am setting up a hospital tank now.But I need to know what sickness to treat.Its a little blurry.Sorry.But you can see some white specs.



Well-Known Member
very hard to be 100% positive but it does seem to be ich, how many other fish do u have in with him cause if 1 has it u need to treat all the fish for ich


New Member
add any new fish lately? Is there something that could be stressing him? Is he getting old?

I once read that every fish carries some sort of ick, but it only comes out if the fishes immunity system drops or it gets stressed. I can't recall where I read that, so take it with a grain of salt.

Locally EVERY petco has had a tremendous about of ick. I know petco has never been known to have the best salt water fish, but this has been far worse then usual.


I can't remember myself, But I read that they have Ich and it comes out periodically.He eats Like a Champ!He is almost a week old now, I think the transfer scared him and stressed him out, I bought him from saltwaterfish.com.Also got a Candy Cane LPS, and a Button pollyp frag.I have 1 false perc living with him, he's been there since the tank finished cycling.I looked today and The Pygmy seems to be getting more spots.

Oh, and FYI, I buy Dog Food From Petco, not fish Lol.I have noticed their tanks look uh, well, you've seen them!


Well-Known Member
the petco by me was actualy pretty decent for a while but now all the tanks are so infested with ich i need to dip my self in copper everytime i leave the store.its horrible but back to the topic if ur fish is getting more spots i would get him out of ur display and into a q tank as soon as u can


New Member
Oh, and FYI, I buy Dog Food From Petco, not fish Lol.I have noticed their tanks look uh, well, you've seen them!

I live in phoenix metro, a bastion for consumerism. Every 3 miles of road you have strip malls filled with nationwide chains. I can be to no less then 10 petco stores in 20 minutes or less.

That said, there was one my wife and I referred to as "the good petco". That was the only one I know of that looked healthy. I have bought some things from the other stores just to try to save it. I got a bleached nem out of there that turned out gorgeous when it got healthy!


Here is my plan:

1.Take him out
2.Do a freshwater dip
3.Put in the QT Tank

Any problems with my plan?

My QT Tank will consist of this:

5 gallon tank.
1 or 2 airstones
I can't decide on substrate or no substrate?what should I do?


Well-Known Member
for a q tank i would go barebottom with no live rock with a hang on the back filter with no carbon, u can put some cheesy plastic plants in there to give the fish a place to hide, and i wouldent bother with air stones, in a 10 gal tank u need to keep up on ur water changes so the water stays as clean as possible, if hes eating i would keep him well fed