How many people dip corals in Flatworm Exit?


Well-Known Member
I brought about 4 frags home Friday and put 3 in the RSM 250 and one in the RSM 130D. Sunday, I thought I saw some reddish brown spots on my rock in the 130d, but Monday, they were gone. Well, Tuesday, when I got home from work, they were back. Today, I found them in the 250 too.
I'm afraid to use FE in the 130d because I have Anemones in there. I can't vacuum them out of the 250, because they're on my zoa frags.

Things aren't looking good here. Although my long nose hawkish may be munching on a few in one tank, I don't think he's eating enough so,
I bought a green wrasse Tuesday. I put him in the 130d tank, and he disappeared. Today, I bought a yellow coris for the 250, and HE disappeared!
I'm not sure what I can do now... I may go looking for a couple of 6 line wrasses Friday, but I hate to add more fish if these two died in there!

engineer goby

Has been struck by the ban stick
I always dip my corals is coral rx. Are you sure the wrasse is dead and not just burrowed under the substrate? I hope you fix this problem as joyfull as this hobby can be its equally frustrating and heart breaking


Well-Known Member
I dipped in coral Rx, but only for a couple of mins because I was late for work. Now, I wish I had left them longer and been later for work!
I haven't seen the green wrasse since Friday, not even when I fed the fish and nems mysis. I haven't given up on the yellow coris yet, but I'm not confident that he's okay because I lost a solorensis in the same tank 3 weeks ago. He flew in the back, and I never saw him again.


engineer goby

Has been struck by the ban stick
Best of luck. It's odd in fresh water when a fish dies you know it but in saltwater it's a mystery. It's like the show on ID Discovery channel Disapeared


Do you have a mantis shrimp in there or something? 3 fish gone!? Hmmm... Well, yea, not a lot that can be done without nuking the tank, unfortionatly.


Well-Known Member
Great news, the Yellow Coris appeared in the big tank and shortly later, the Green Wrasse appeared!!



RS Sponsor
This is my opinion on FE and this worked for me in my DT last year. You have to use lots more FE than recommended. I just kept adding until I didn't see anymore on the glass (it took A LOT). 15 minutes later I did a 50% water change and changed my filter sock. An hour later I did another 50% water change and changed my sock again. The next day I changed my sock again. And a couple days later did another water change. During this whole thing I ran carbon and changed it out a couple times during the process. And guess what, I don't have the pesky little guys anymore and nobody was harmed in the process including my nem. Please keep in mind I didn't have a lot of them but I wanted them gone anyway.


Well-Known Member
I just can't take the chance since I have the baby nem recovering in the small tank. I don't want any stress that might affect his recovery, including moving him until he fully recovers. I would rather try natural methods in the big tank first too. I lost way too many expensive zoas in the tank crash.
