hey guys


hey guys, just thought i would post what tanks i have

650g acrylic- Not built yet, will be the next home for my pacus
90g- will be a reef, its sitting empty right now, waiting to move my 55g's stock
90g- south american tank, lots of fish but ive got a fluval FX5 filter
55g- reef, 2x150w MH, 2x24w T-5, 230lbs LR, 2 Koralia 2, 1 Koralia 1, 60lbs aragonite, coralife skimmer, yellow tang (small), lawnmower blenny, clown goby, 3 stripe damsel, lunar wrasse, baby volitan lion, alot of corals. all will be moved to the 90g and eventually a 300g
15g long- brackish tank
10g- auratus tank
10g- firebelly toad tank
about 20 empty tanks


Well-Known Member
Holy smokes! You have a small lake, some swamp land and a small chunk of the ocean at your house.
Can I come over and play!:LOL:


lol, yep, its a mix of everything. i hate feeding the 90g, the largest pacu gets too excited and im waiting for him to knock off my FX5 hoses darting around

red devil is by far the most interesting, 4 months ago he ate my 4" green terror, and at first i thought it was driftwood in his mouth. after i saw fins i couldnt figure out what to do, and someone on the other forum im on said to try pliers. it was too jammed in his mouth, and after i just gave up and called a vet, and noone there could work with fish, but the red devil swallowed it a day later and had the most deformed mouth for a month ive ever seen

i have to sort through my good/bad pics (my cameras at my summerhouse and im using my phone), but heres the left side of the 55g, it has the most corals. pulsing xenia is getting ridiculous, i bought it as a 3" frag in december and now its over a foot long. and ignore the cyano in the tank, the tanks still young (about 7 months old), and my cyano stage hit a month ago and ive just got a few odd tuffs of it left

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