

New Member
Ahh hi guys. So I've ha my reef tank up and running for about four months now. I currently have 1 Benggai Cardinal, 2 Ocellaris Clowns, A Lawnmower Blenny, and a cleaner shrimp as well as a few hermits and ceriths. I run a 29g Biocube HQI and have had my share of algae problems. At first came the diatoms which died off quickly. Then, I think it was hair algae. This was the point at which I bought my blenny who took care of the softly waving (but easily scraped off) algae on the walls and rock. NOW i have a very filamentous and almost fibrous algae growing on everything that is very hard to remove from the walls with a scrubber. Also, my blenny seems not to touch it. Any help appreciated!


New Member
Here's A photo!


Well-Known Member
There are numerous types and colors of algae that are referred to as hair algae. Probably the three of most interest are Derbesia sp., Bryopsis sp., and Chlorodesmis sp. - if you want to search the web for more info.

I've also had issues with one of these types of algae and I can't find any critter who will eat it (mexican turbo snails, blennies, dwarf angles, hermits, you name it, I've tried it). I'm about to pick up an urchin.

A website I found this weekend mentioned these critters below to get rid of Derbesia:
Snails: Astraea tectum, Trochus niloticus, Turbo fluctuosus, Strombus alatus, Strombus gigas
Urchins: Diadema setosum, Mespilia globulus
Crabs: Clibanarius tricolor, Paguristes cadenati

So, I decided to pick up a few more species of snails and the urchin.

Good Luck!