Hello from PA.


Hi all. New to this forum. I'm currently tank less but I've had aquariums off and on since 1968. The first couple were fresh water. The last two were salt water, fish only. I took my 55 gallon tank down last year. It was up for 12 years. I had mostly clown fish and damsels, very hearty and easy to maintain. Most of them were the original inhabitants from when I set it up in 1996. I never realized fish lived that long. The largest clown used to go after my hand when I was cleaning the glass. At first I thought it was pretty neat that the fish was nibbling at my hand. Then I realized he was attacking the 'intruder'. No doubt it was his tank. He just let me maintain it for him.

I want to set up a reef tank after the first of the year. My daughter is getting married in Dec 09. My honeydo list is at four pages and growing. The only thing I'll be doing between now and then is reading.

This time around I want to build my own tank and filter system. I'll be spending a lot of time learning about how to set up and maintain a reef tank before I get started. It seems like there is a lot more equipment than running a fish only tank.

Well, thanks for the forum. I think I'll learn a lot here.


Thanks for the link. I was reading the DIY section for the last couple of hours. I think I just hit the mother load for information.

I'm from NE PA, Dallas to be exact.


Active Member
Welcome,PA here as well, I am in Manheim now which is pretty much Lancaster but grew up just outside of Scranton Pa in Archbald.


Glad to see there are some locals interested in this hobby. I drive through Taylor every time I81 gets messed up. Seems to happen a lot. I work in Scranton.

Are there any local stores that handle corals etc.? When we had the SW tank we wound up buying mostly online. Couldn't find a good local shop.
There's a place in Pittston called the Pet Zone. It's a family owned place and they've been in business over 30 years. They also have 2/ 150 gal tanks with coral. Their dry goods are a little pricey but the corals are reasonable.
His name is Bill.


Active Member
Welcome to RS! I'm in SE PA in East Norriton. We got a great LFS local here....Captain Nemo's. Wel I get all my info and advice here...i love to browse RS for info.