Gimmito's 450 L-shaped display


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Nice addition, my Copperband did not make it either, it had not eaten in some time and was wild caught, so it would only eat live foods, so no one had gotten it to eat so it was weak and too far gone when I got it, I did not notice it was starving to death till I got it in my tank by then it would not even eat amphipods or aiptasia, so it did not even make it through a whole day of QT, but I tried. The Tomini Tang did make it however. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm just going to wait until I can find a copperband that's from a established tank. Glad to hesr the Tomini made it through QT for you. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm just going to wait until I can find a copperband that's from a established tank. Glad to hesr the Tomini made it through QT for you. :)

That's smart. Many LFS fish don't make it because of improper acclimation and housing.


Well-Known Member
Ah, not another, just a different one. I'm going to take down all of my tanks, the two RSM's and the 29g and set up my 40b. I have a sump and both the Profilux controller and Profilux Mitras LED's that are both sitting in boxes waiting for the 40b!

Stay tuned for the 40b!


Well-Known Member
Cool !

lmk how you like the Mitras...I've been thinking of getting a couple of simu leds for nighttime viewi g on the 450.