Gender of reefers

Are you a male or female saltwater enthusiast?

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Well-Known Member
Mommy, Math geek, Reefer, Gardener.
and dress up when I want.
and I like to all the time....but my hands tell the tale, short...very short nails with just a little dirt that I'm contantly cleaning out :D


Active Member
Awesome input folks. Thanks. And by the way, that girlfriend is now my Wife. I guess it's been a while since this poll started.
Thanks again!


Active Member
Female here! Definitely don't mind getting my hands dirty, I like doing my own work - anything from mining rocks, building computers, electrical work, plumbing, painting, to woodworking...The more complex the problem/project the better!


Male but my wife is getting really interested in our reef not only as a deco piece in dinning room. As you can imagine I still do all hard work and she helps with shopping.... mmmmhhh that's strange....
So lets say in this case is 50/50


Dug this thread up outta the archives eh...i don't see as many of the mods here as i used to, i know Craig's got his hands full with twins so understandable.
Another reef girlie here. I also scientifically/mathematically inclined. I have a BS in both chemistry and biology. At some point, I may go for my MS, but not right now.