Fungia help!


Hi all

So I'm starting to believe that my lovely fungia may be on its way out. Its skeleton is now showing but I've noticed my salt is a little high so reducing it tonight to see if it can be saved.

Saw a thread on another website that questions whether to leave the fungia in or not, due to 1) it can produce anthocauli months after its death 2) Will it pollute my tank?

Please help!


NaClH2O Addicted
I doubt it'll pollute anything - not much actual live flesh on these things. I had a long tentacle one die on me with no harm to the tank. If you leave it in, and it ever pops out new ones let us know!


Hahaha, I've seen many forums stating they will 'pop out' new ones, but I don't hold much hope. I'm hoping I can save him but at the minute it doesn't look good. This is a lesson for me, never buy a cheap refractometer.