For you animal lovers...


Cherish the moments you have with your pet. You never know how long their life will be, or how soon they will be out of your arms. Cherish the moments you have with them! Love them and keep them safe and happy to the best of your abilities! Make sure when they come to greet you, you bend down and greet them back; when they come and lick your face, let them!, it is just them showing affection to you saying how much they love you. When they come and bring you a ball, play with them, they just want to have fun with their master. If they are sitting and looking at you, bend down and give them a pat. Cherish the moment you have with them!

My Uncle and cousins dog has had cancer and recently they recieved the news that the dog "Tucker" will not be on this world much longer.

Tucker’s last Spring « Canter Bridge


Well-Known Member
Wonderful post Elliott. I feel for your family, I have a Maltese that has breast cancer. I found this out in October of 07. We refused to do any surgeries, she is 18 an may survive surgery, but a high chance of not waking back up when put under.

I cherish every single day with her as it may be her last. She has had a wonderful 18 almost 19 years! She is happier than ever this year, showing emotion of a young dog.

My prayers are with your uncle and cousins. That article made me cry, really hit home for me

Also-those of you with dogs that are NOT fixed. I had never heard of this in the past, until Mollys cancer was discovered. If you have a female dog, GET THEM FIXED. Females that get fixed past 2 years old have a chance of getting cancer in the high 80-90 percentile (I do not remember exact numbers) If Molly would have been fixed when she was young, her cancer would possibly not spread as fast as it is. Please take that to heart with all of your pets.