First time clownfish owner... Help Please


New Member
Hi, I am an owner of two clownfish that I am to believe may already be a mated pair. But the female has not been very active lately. She keeps sitting at the bottow of the tank. I have done everything I can think of I check salt levels I'm feeding them regularly and keeping the tank clean. So I do not understand what the problem is, or if it is just a behaviorial trait they have. So if there is anyone that has any insight, I would greatly appreciate the help. Thank You.


Well-Known Member

to ReefSanctuary, a real Sanctuary of reef forums, with lots of very nice members

Tell us more about your tank... how old is it, size, how often you do water changes, what chemical filtration do you run if any, what do you feed & how much at a time and how often, and anything else you can tell us. Have you tested for ammonia?


JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
+1 to what Glenn asked but also how is "her" breathing? Heavy? Normal?


New Member
its a 20 gallon tank and we just got it we've had set up for a little over a month now and we just got the clown fish about a week ago once the salt levels were good and we just have a filter system in it, along with a couple snails and a shrimp. And her breathing seems heavy to me


Well-Known Member
I havent yet, how often should I be doing this, and whatis the best way to do it?

Is the "this" above... cycling the tank (answer once) or water changes or both ? ( I do 15% weekly water changes - huge key to my tanks livestock health)

Got some homework to do... :read: :read: :read: not hard to keep saltwater fish & a reef tank, but you do have to learn a bit ... to have success


New Member
Lol both, I feel like a moron asking these things but I just really need help on how to cycle the tank and water changes.


And now she has a long (about 2") white string looking thing coming out of her under belly

She's infected with a parasite. I had two clowns that did the same thing, though I let them fight it off since they were swimming and eating regularly, and now they poop perfectly normal. Feed a healthy diet with variety, not just brine shrimp. Try mysis shrimp and a good quality pellet food such as New Life Spectrum.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


New Member
I'm Sorry, I'm new to all the lingo if you could maybe tell me what QT and LSF pleasse and thank you.
And thank you ALL for helping me with this.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you read the Frequently Asked Questions that Nanoreefingfun listed the link to. Unfortunately, your tank was not properly cycled and your fish were stressed because of that. Some fish can handle it (although not recommended at all) and some fish get sick from it. Please get a saltwater test kit that contains ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate tests and test your water for high levels of any of those. Make sure you change 10% of your water with fresh saltwater and that may help any high levels that may be affecting the fish. You can do that every day or every other day. Do you filter your tap water with a RO/DI filter? If not, you need to get one....