Falling Snails


I was wondering why is it that turbo snails will just fall? They will be at the top of the tank and just let go. Most of the time they will land fine and be able to climb back up. A few times I had to help them and turn them over.


Well-Known Member
There just diving and having fun. :)
I would not worry about it if they are looking ok and not dyeing. I would not help them. Stop putting your hands in the tank! LOL! :)
Oh, welcome to RS :)
Just to tag along with snails falling, wth do they always fall upside down? Are they top heavy? Whatever the reason, it sucks.


Well-Known Member
For the record, most turbos are cooler water species and don't do well long term in the higher temps of our reef tanks. Falling snails often represent unhealthy/dying animals.
same thing happened to me except they don't climb back up lol they are still alive though weirdly enough... turbo's haven't worked for me though.


turbos never worked for me either. i didnt realise they were a coldwater snail.... more then likely why mine never last long. wish i knew this before..... could have saved me some money.