Everything about true percula clownfish and blue/green reef chromis

Im going to be getting a blue/green reef chromis in two days for my 29 gallon and in a month I will be getting two true percula clownfish and I want to know everything about them and what to feed them and how often. I'm a beginner at saltwater but not fish keeping.


Tank cycled? If so they are easy to keep. Just want to get some formula 2 flake and some mysis. You should be set. Make sure u feed the tank small amounts of food a few times a day.

Good luck on ya tank.


Not brine. Mysis. Brine has no nutrition for them. And I would feed just a littl part of the cube. Use garlic to help them eat.


Brine Shrimp has little nutritional value long-term but it can be part of a varied diet. It's a lot like popcorn for us Homo sapien... we like the taste but we wouldn't fair well on a diet of only popcorn. Sometimes we use brine shrimp to trick a finicky fish into eating other items. Start off feeding 3/4 brine shrimp and 1/4 something else. After a week or so try increasing the "other" and see if the fish doesn't keep on eating. Keep tweaking the ratio until you remove the brine shrimp from the mix if that is your ultimate goal.

Whatever you feed make sure it's completely eaten in around 3 minutes otherwise you're adding more load to your biosystem and heading for a roller coaster ride in water chemistry. Also just because your fish will act hungry every time you (or anyone really) approach the tank don't feed them. In nature they never know when their next meal is so they don't pass up an opportunity to eat.. just in case. Also you approaching to just watch and you approaching to feed look identical to them so they always think you're coming to feed. Practice restraint and don't over feed... it's in our DNA to nurture and feed our wet friends to keep them happy and healthy when in reality it can do more harm than good. :)