Emporer Angel Shy


Recently added an emporer angel and its been in my tank for 4 days. Nothing has picked on it, but it is staying in the back of the tank and rarely comes out from the rockwork. Fish has not eaten that I've seen and when it does come out it seems to be right before the lights go out. LFS said it was from Bali and I wonder if a fish could have jet lag. Tried feeding frozen Formula One, Formula Two, Prime Reef Flake food, Mysid Shrimp, Omega One Flake, and Nori. I fear how long he can go without eating. Tank has been set up for over 4yrs and everything is good. Any suggestions?


Smile Maker
I've never had one, but have read that these fish are difficult to keep. Must have a large tank and ideal water conditions. Maybe, it is still acclimating?


Well-Known Member
They are a bit shy at first. 3-4 days to adjust and feel comfortable is pretty normal. I wouldn't be surprised if it took 5-10 days depending on differences in parameters (water quality, tank size, tankmates, food types...). Probably the harder you try, the more you are disturbing it and therefore extending the time it takes to adjust. Keep things quiet and undisturbed as much as possible. Does he look healthy otherwise? As for food, mine likes meaty stuff and also live plants (the red kind). (Ok he also likes my polyps, but he is on probation for those.)

Good luck!


Went on with my regular feeding. He started picking at Live Rock and came out for a peice of flake food. Looks good as far as health, but his behavior is bothering me. Ill give him time to find his place and see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
If he is taking any food at all I think you will do fine. They will hide from time to time, but they also get in your face. Mine begs to get his picture taken (or is he begging to get food). We call the piggy fishes and he comes running. A very personable fish!


Well-Known Member
if you got it from disc aquar center i know it has eaten,,cause i fed it. it was eating mysis and picking at flake.


I didn't although I was in there last Friday and saw one in your tanks. I got it from the other place up the road from you. He's starting to pick at my live rock and glass and Im sure he's getting food. His behavior of being so shy is what is bothering me. I think that is looking on the up and up though.


Well-Known Member
i dont work there,,,i just aquire frequent flier miles~

reefdave is the dave that worked there.


Well-Known Member
Witt - You mean they have a sand box where you can play?

TNT - What else do you have in your tank? How big is your emporer? Pics?


Hard to get a good photo of him, but he is about 5" Juvinile. I also have Blue Hippo Tang (7"), Marroon Yellow Stripe Clown (4"), Coral Beauty (3"), False Clown (1"), and a Scooter Blenny. Nothing is picking on him that I have seen, and the blue hippo is the only thing similar in size and shape. I've seen them close in a cave and the hippo isn't flicking him with his fins. I added the Emporer as my last fish. My tank is stocked and it is full. I'll keep the camera handy if I get a chance to photo him.


Well-Known Member
Mine lives and tolerates evil (but compatible) fish all the time. They argue like brothers and sisters. He grunts when they bother him (sounds like rocks bumping against the glass). They are pretty adaptable, but slower than most to become comfortable in their surroundings. If I remember right, I think the juveniles are even more so. I think 5" is a good size cause you'll get to watch him change to an adult.

Is he still coming out for a bit of food?


He's eating, but when watching him then watching the hippo, it isn't a meal. My Hippo hunt's down food and will eat everything floating in the tank in seconds. I'm starting to think he has a food addiction, but the Emporer only picks here and there.


Came to the conclusion that he is scared of me. If I look from the other side of the room, the Empore comes out to pick on rock or the glass. When I get close he hides in the rock. My blue hippo loves when I come neer (knows its feeding time) and I swear he occasionally picks up extra shells off the sand bed, carries it to where I feed him, and drops it to the bottom. Kinda like a dog with a dinner bowl.


Well-Known Member
it takes time with angels. they are always a bit wary, but he will get to know you. if you take care of him, you will have a friend for 10yrs or more.


Well-Known Member
I can't even get my camera out and take pics of my tank without having my Angel right in front of me (blocking the picture I really wanted). I've had him about a year. Mine is a slower eater than my tangs are, he always checks out what he is eating before he eats it. He will hide if he gets scared, but otherwise hangs out all the time waiting for me to come feed him. If he sees me across the room he comes running. Do you have a clip you can hang some Nori on? That way he can eat when you aren't there scaring him and after the other fish are done. Over time he will like the meaty stuff much more, but mine still munches on Nori too.


I feed Nori, but I clip it in the front of the tank. I think I'll try putting some near his favorite cave to see if I can coax him out a bit. Has anyone ever tried clyclopeeze?


Well-Known Member
Cyclopeeze is too small for them. It might let him know there is food to be had, but it will drive him crazy because he won't be able to find it. I think Woody has a setup she uses for her nori that you might try, she has attached it somehow to a magnet (like the ones you clean your tank with) so she can get stuff near hangouts without intruding.


I was planning on using a clip with a piece of rock attached to it. Using the magnet wont get me close enough to the cave he likes.