Dying fish and out of answers.


Well-Known Member
No, I doubt it actually would. They run on pressure, about 60 psi. A garden hose lacks the ability to supply that. You need to plumb it into your house.


Well-Known Member
Yes, there is a garden hose adapter. PEM, you can hook it up to the spigot if there isn't enough pressure coming through the hose....



hmm....I don't know about the pressure coming from the hose but it comes out harder than my sink...I live in an old house so I don't know if it can connect to the plumbing in my kitchen. i'm no plumber and I don't know much about the RO/DI unit!


Well-Known Member
I am a real dummy on plumbing but apparently it is pretty easy to do. I'm sure Frank or someone else can explain it at MACNA if you don't get the answers before.


yeah I hope to get it before but if not he definitely can I hope! if not i'll beg mark and cook him a steak and pay for his gas to get to my house...lol


Well-Known Member
A TDS reading of 55 for RO water coming from a LFS is probably accurate (higher than I'd expect, but understandable). They probably don't expect that anyone will check the TDS. They also probably aren't running it through DI resin (that would have resulted in a reading of between 0-5). This may help to emphasize why those of us that are really into the hobby buy our own RO/DI filters.

Also, the only assumption that you can logically make are that the 55ppm is ions and not dissolved organic compounds (DOC). Most likely metals of some sort.

You may never know what caused your fish loss problem but as long as you take appropriate measures to improve your water, you're on your way to a healthy, happy tank.


Well-Known Member
You can come by to get the water tomorrow or Tuesday evening, I've already got most of it made. I'm usually home by 5:00. I've got a couple 5g buckets you can borrow, but I need my other jugs for my WC this week, so if you bring enough jugs to hold 14 gallons I can fill that up too. That will give you 24g to go ahead and do a WC.

I can pick the buckets back up when I come down to see your tank and maybe help you hook up an RO/DI...

Doc, what I recommended was that he follow you and Wit's suggestions. No more additives, no more live rock or new additions, only water changes (25% every week) with good clean source water for now. I'm helping him out with a batch of water to get him started ASAP.


thanks drhank and I sure hope I am on my way to a happy tank...I saw one today at Marks house and I long for one! I went and priced an RO/DI Unit at one of the LFS's around here (not the one I normally go to) and it was $300!!! hoping to find one cheaper!


RS has a great contributer in Mark (and all of you for that matter!!)

mark, I will probably come to you tomorrow! I want to start as soon as I can to get the old water out!!


Well-Known Member
You can absolutely get one cheaper. Check our on-line sponsors. You should be able to get one for around 1/2 of that.


I just bought my RO/DI unit!! Hopefully it should be here by the end of the week! It does 110 GPD....hope this makes things easier for me!


Well-Known Member
Don't ever say that. It can always be worse.
Once you get the RO/DI you are going to want to do several large water changes to remove the contaminants.