Do I need a Protein Skimmer?


Alright I have a 75 gallon FOWLR tank. I have about 60 pounds of LR, 40 pounds of live sand and 40 pounds of crushed coral. I have 2 Koralia 3 powerheads and an HOB AquaClear Powerfilter 110. I know a sump would be the best but I have no place to put it. I plan on adding a few corals and 2-3 anemones down the road. Do I need to add a protein skimmer? If so what would be good for me? It has to be a HOB and I want something small as possible since the tank is on our island in the kitchen and you can see it from all directions. Thank you below is a list of fish in the tank.

Small blue hippo tang
yellow tang
sailfin tang
2 tomato clowns
golden headed sleeper goby
archeyed hawkfish
10 blue leged hermit crabs


Well-Known Member
Yes. A skimmer is the main life unit of a saltwater aquarium in my opinion. Especially if you are keeping tangs. They are poop machines~


Well-Known Member
I agree with Frankie. Considering what you have in the tank and what you plan to keep, a skimmer is highly recommended.

Always buy top quality, and expect to spend some money on it. If you must go with a hang on tank skimmer, I'd go with something like an AquaC Remora Pro. Expect to spend roughly that amount of money on anything decent.


+3 A skimmer is mandatory IMO Buy the best you can afford this is not an item to skimp on. Super Reef Octopus HOB is a good one


I may bend and waffle on differences in people's filtration, salinity, temp...even lighting preferences, but if I had any control over a would have a skimmer of some kind. The bigger the better (kidding...but seriously match the size right) and don't skimp on quality.

:chainsaw: SKIMMMER!!!!!!


Google Warrior
+4 just a good piece of equipment to have on any system even fish only.