DIY fish trap that will make you and your belly smile!


Hey guys I have just come across a wonderful idea and I put it to paper. And after 5 minutes built it and I am waiting for the results. This prized piece of equipment is a fish trap built from an empty container of gilato (which is Italian for great tasting ice cream)! What you do is first go to a store that sells talente gilato ice cream, purchase your favorite flavor, consume the whole container of ice cream (this can be done all at once or continuously over a period of time), clean the now empty container, cut a hole in the Lid big enough for the fish,drill two small holes on the lid to feed fishing line through to pull up on, and ta-da!




Il take a pic when I get home

But u put food in the container and the fish swims through the hole to eat the food and can't get out cause fish are stupid


Well-Known Member
i suggest a transparent top on the container, otherwise the fish will see the hole and swim out.


Anyways plan Didn't work and had a reverse effect..... All the food I dumped into the container made my protein slimmer go crazy and for some reason it just overflows so I tuned it down and it is now skimming all the excess nutrients the food released. Guess imma have to go with fishing. Anyone know really small food to put on a hook?