

Well-Known Member
I can't stand it any more...I'm not sure if I went over the top with my 8 bulb fixture with 10 LEDs, but now I have a fresh new batch of diatoms in my tank every morning. They're green and collect on the glass sand and rocks. I haven't added any new fish and feed only once a day, usually about 3 pinches. I'll post my test results soon. Anyone know what's going on?


JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
What kind of food are you using?

I'd cut back to once every other, if using flakes I'd switch to mysis or Larry's food and step up your water changes blowing the sediment off your rocks just before


Well-Known Member
New life spectrum marine sinking pellets. Not a very big bioload, either, I don't think. But I also need to step up my CUC, the conchs are at constant war with the snails.


Well-Known Member
New life spectrum marine sinking pellets. ...

Most dry foods tend to have a lot of phosphates in them. Your better off feeding that only every other day, at most, and adding other foods, especially frozen to the mix.

You signature also show that you have two tangs in the system. These tend to be big dirty fish and create a lot of waste. You also indicate that your not using skimming or mechanical filtration. This means that the system must process all the waste products itself. It's possible to do this, but you need a huge, well run refugium. Seriously consider adding a skimmer and mechanical filtration. You'll be amazed at just how much "glop" gets pulled out. This will also go a long way toward solving your algae issue.


Well-Known Member
RS Ambassador
If you dont already have one, consider setting up a skimmer or Turf scrubber, along with some combination of purigen/carbon/floss. THats a broad spectrum recommendation, but info on water params and cuc is needed for detailed info. My guess is you either have inadequate nutrient export, or your lights have shifted into the red spectrum. Most algae LOVE yellow/red light like you'd find near the surface of the ocean.


In the short term you can siphon the areas where the diatoms are growing. In the long term you should look at possible causes of the diatom growth. There are some commercial dry foods also contain excess nutrients and other undesirable things like nitrates, phosphates etc so I strain/rinse my fresh/frozen foods before feeding my tank. You may want to consider feeding your fish less often. Also, changing your photo period, light bulbs, adding more flow, using RO/DI water and a high quality salt like Tropic Marin may also help.


JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
The new hog santamonica scrubbers might be a good thing to look into. I see you don't run a skimmer/mechanical/chemical filtration so I'll assume that's on purpose and a personal preference. The algae scrubber might do well for you.

Short of that, water changes are your core nutrient exporter


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the recommendations. The tank's been running smoothly enough, but the bulbs are seemingly what caused it, or the growth of the tangs.
Params: pH-8.2-8.4
Ammonia-0-.25 ppm (closer to 0)
Nitrate- 5-10 ppm (closer to 10)


Well-Known Member
The new hog santamonica scrubbers might be a good thing to look into. I see you don't run a skimmer/mechanical/chemical filtration so I'll assume that's on purpose and a personal preference. The algae scrubber might do well for you.

Short of that, water changes are your core nutrient exporter

how does that algae scrubber work?


Well-Known Member
considering how I paid little attention to my CUC to begin with, let's say tons of little black conical snails and 0 cerith snails and tons of hermits. Planning on doing some snail catching soon. I could also use some limpets.


Well-Known Member
RS Ambassador
Im very fond of my DIY Scrubber. I have a 13" Wide, by 16" long hanging scrubber fed by my 65g's overflow. A single CFL 3500k equivelant to a 75w Bulb, and i get green/red crap growing on it all the time. I rarely have algae growing on the glass of my DT. I had to move the Chaeto out of the sump into another tank because it was shrinking. Total setup cost, 40 bucks, including bulb, pvc, and mesh.