Deep sand bed - BSJ


New Member
Is it recommended to add other sand sifters and sand stirrers to the deep sand bed or is the Jawfish enough?



Well-Known Member
If you are looking for the denitrificating properties of a DSB then you want to disturb it as little as possible. The bacteria you are trying to cultivate grows deep in the sand where it is undisturbed.
If you have a DSB for something like a bluespot jawfish or engineer goby or other digging critter, then you want to have snails etc to keep the sand turned over and clean.


Well-Known Member
My favorites are nassarius and cerith snails but the bluespots move them where they will. Pretty much I leave the sand to my blues. Anything I do to it will disturb their burrows and then they get mad at me and I don't want them mad at me.


Well-Known Member
i have a goby/pistol pair and they move sand like you wouldnt belieive!

I also, like lynn, really like that nassarius snails, i have white ones and black ones and tey eat lots and keep the top stirred too b/c the "rise from the dead" every time food is introduced into the tank


Well-Known Member
It is soo cool to watch them rise from the dead. I will never forget the day the guy at my lfs showed them to me the first time by dropping a pellet into the tank.


Well-Known Member
i know, i love it, i show people all the gf still gets surpised when they do it..its so funny to see the shimmy up to the top and they sprint to that food


New Member
Is it important to have these snails with the deep sand bed?

Could you just have the jawfish?

Which way is the healthiest for the fish and the tank in general?


Well-Known Member
I don't consider the BSJF part of my cleanup crew.

There are many choices that make up a good cleanup crew. Several on-line stores sell the entire crew in a package (Bluezoo Aquatics is the last place I got mine from, and you can order it by the size of tank that you have). My rule of thumb is 1 snail and 1 crab per gallon. Use a variety of each so that all the bases are covered. You want to clean the top of the sand, as well as the rock, and the glass.


Well-Known Member
Lorraine is right, the BSJF isn't part of the CUC. You want critters that roam the tank and BS's stay mostly in one place. I like snails mostly for the CUC. There are dozens of threads on CUC's here. Nassarius, Cerith, and Astrea are the three I recommend most. One per two gallons is my rule, but I may adopt Lorraines one per one....I like inverts!. Just make sure there is enough food for them. Start off light and add more if you need them.