Cycling and water changes


Well-Known Member
Since a cycled tank is one that has gone through the ammonia and nitrite spikes and only contains nitrates, as soon as nitrites read 0 you can do a water change.


Well-Known Member

Ammonia > Nitrite > Nitrate - Once the ammonia & nitrites are gone, then do water changes to reduce nitrates.

I would suggest maybe 25-30% for 1st water change, followed by 10 - 15% weekly for tanks under 65 gals... not sure about bigger ones...


In my case I am cycling the tank with my previous systems water, LR and sand from the older system as well. On week three I noticed of course some brown diatom algae on glass. Snails and kole tang are doing a great job of lapping it up.
Week four will be this Sunday.
I have had no ammonia or nitrite spikes at all. Nitirate has been in the 5 to 10 range each week.
Therefore with this info would I still need to do a water change or would I just need to let the parimeters like nitrate get higher to lets say 20 or 30 before doing a water change?


i would keep doing weekly water changes. the water changes also puts back trace elements into the water like calcium and such. if you keep up with regular water changes and use a good brand of salt you won't have to dose your water to get the right levels imho.


It does make sense. I will wait a bit longer.
So far I have never seen my sps's PE so great! The millies are just out. As of this evening I happen to look at my sps's and noticed growth!!!
It is the beginnings of what should become and turn into small branches.
Any transfer their sps's to a new tank and start seeing growth in just 3 weeks?
Will photograph tomorrow to show you what I mean.