clown goby problem


Hi all,

Have a yellow clown goby that is picking at corals, initially was only on the base of a duncan, not damaging anything, so wasn't overly concerned.

But found the below coral in a bunch of LR rubble I got the other day, so added it to the display to see what would happen under decent lighting, and as it opened up, the goby started picking at the polyps as they came out...


Now i've gotta try and catch him (was anyway, as he is aggressive towards tankmates) have been trying all day with a net, & have a bottle with prawn in it in the tank now trying to bait him. Not east to catch fish in small tanks.. In the big one it was easy, just isolate them at the end with no corals :)


Mwahaha, that was easier than expected :) only took like half an hour, and he's the only fish that ventured inside!

There ya go, coke is useful for something other than stripping paint ;)



I thought they were reef safe too, but not these guys... I have a pair of green clown gobies which are fine, but not the yellows.. I thought at first, maybe they are just eating algae, but when bare patches start to appear on things, its not algae they are eating..

They are living in another tank until thursday when they head back to the LFS & eventually another home with only soft corals!


Well-Known Member
clown gobies, yes yellows too, are reef safe. they do make their nest with in hard corals though. that is what you are seeing. they are not eating the coral for food, they are making space for eggs and themselves. its their nesting behavior your seeing.


Hmmm, that makes sense. But I like my corals how they are, and nobody lodged a building permit for housing renovations, so i'm afraid they've gotta go!