Check Out My New Bongo Shrimp Pair!

I've always wanted a pair of these guys and I was finally able to a pair from Liveaquaria. I'll take some better pics later with my DSLR but here are some pretty bad ones from my video camera. I'll also upload a few vids once I get the chance. Just wanted to share this with you guys since there is not too much out there about these guys.



From Me:




those guys are sweet looking. do they eat starfish like the harlequins? ive read they are related to them so i wasn't sure.
Here's a few more pics from my video camera. Had to charge the battery for my DSLR which I will be able to use tomorrow.





how are you going to do the starfish. are you just going to throw one in their and let them go to work, or are you going to do the cutting the legs off and having a rotation method?
awesome video
For now I have a source that is giving me some asterinas and I just throw like four or five in there and let them feast. Now I am finding that one prefers brittle stars more so than asterinas so I am also putting a few brittle stars in as well. I will only do the whole cutting legs off thing in an emergency where I have nothing else to feed them. For now, a few micro brittles work out fine. Sometimes the micro brittles are too big though and I have to rip off a few of their legs to make it easier for the shrimp since they are so small.
Here's a few more pics, these are from my DSLR but I still don't have a macro lens and being that the shrimp are so so small it is really tough to get a close up, and sharp shot. So this is the best I can do for now. Will add more from the DSLR soon.




Well-Known Member
Those are cool.. how big are they??

he was TRYING to make a run for it... to no avail, I kinda feel sorry for the stars.. the shrimp was like "oh no you don't.. here I'll put my foot on you"
Ok, so the shrimp are in a small cage inside the main tank. I could probably get away with letting them loose but for now I want to be able to observe them and make sure they each are eating. Also the black sand really makes them stand out. They are both about 3/4 an inch so yeah they are really tiny.