Changing Metal Halide Bulbs (Geissman Megachrome)

Hey guys. It's time to change bulbs again. I am running two 250 watt HQI's(aquamedic ocean light magnetic ballast and pendant) with 2x110 watt actinic VHO's. I currently have Geissman Megachrome 12.5K bulbs, which I have been very happy with by the way, but am unable to find them at a reasonable price. If I could find them at a reasonable price I'd get them again but can't pay $100 per bulb. Please post a link if you know of a deal!


Anyone have any ideas on a comparable bulb that's cheaper?

What about the XM 10k, Coralvue Reeflux 10k, or Ushio 10K? Any other suggestions?

Would the above listed bulbs work with my ballast?

Thanks and God bless ya'll!


Well-Known Member
With K rating I started with Hamilton 14K then tried 20k, too dark and went back to 14k.

As far as brand and price I have no input.


Well-Known Member
I would go with Reeflux over the other 2 your looking at. I have always liked them. I have not tried there 10k yet though. I prefer the bluer cast to the 12k Reeflux. Not a big fan of XM but have used Ushio's with good results. Hope that helps brother.
I just found the reeflux 12k for $62.95 with free shipping on ebay.

Anyone know if those bulbs will work with my ballast (aquamedic ocean light magnetic ballast and pendant)?

Thanks and God bless,