Central Texas Newbie


New Member
Hey guys,
The name is Harold, but all my friends call me Dooner (do-ner, not doe-ner). I live in the small town of Troy.

My wife and I had a 105 gal freshwater tank that I built into the wall of our living room. Had it for over ten years til it sprung a leak. Instead of fixing it, we decided to go larger and go saltwater (fish only). So I replaced the old tank with a 170 gal Aquavim Bowfront glass tank (60x22x30). It's pretty cool. The sides and front are one piece of glass.
Once I was finished with the construction, we had the guys at Omni Service come set it up for us. Its been running since 3/16/10. It's nothing fancy, but we like it.
We have 1 Clownfish, 2 Black Clownfish, 2 Domino Damsels, and 1 Royal Grammas.
Here is a pic.

Hope you aprove.