Bonding Acrylic to Glass


Well-Known Member
Well we just put acrylic baffles in glass tanks. I tried to talk them out of it, but nobody would listen to little old me. They did use a bunch of sealant of some kind and pretty thing acrylic so hopefully mine will hold. If not at least I get an I told you so. :)


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
Lynn, if there isn't a lot of pressure, you should be fine. I knew I would have a lot of pressure and I want it to last a very long time so I went with glass baffles.

BTW.. here is a pic of my sump lastnight after siliconing the baffles... It was fun :thumbup:


Well-Known Member
Im doing mine slowly... one baffle at a time Two are in place. I will do the thrid one and the one for the fuge tonight. I cant smell anything I have a cold in my nose!


Well-Known Member
im forgoing the baffles and opting for a simple overflow. mostly cuz of money but partially because the more glass i cut the higher the chance of cutting myself.


Brunt of all Jokes~
Dragon, no worries, if you get cut JFK jr will send the rescue wagon, surely you have a local glass shop? they will cut and polish the edges and its cheap. Steve


Well-Known Member
i paid about $5 for my pieces and $6 for the glass cutter. for teh sake of preserving my manliness, i will not post pics of my cutting and subsequent dremel work to compensate for teh horrible cutting.

also dont go in my guest bathroom. there are shards of glass everywhere.


Well-Known Member
i learned that i shoulda stuck with using acrylic lol. i just keep remembering, as my face is pelted with tiny splinters of glass, that im no good at DIY... and i dunno why i own a dremel and jigsaw...


Well-Known Member
Opps! Sorry i missed this thread Doni. I used CS Lawrence silicone (comercial Stuff and cheap) to glue in my coast to coast overflow. I have to say that fully cured this stuff works awesome. I also used it to glue the tank together after i replaced the front pane. So it worked great for the glass and acrylic to glass.


Well-Known Member
ok i glued the pieces into the sump. first of all, im retarded. second, the sealant is white, not clear.

put the 2 together and you have the most disgusting looking sump ever. dont even get me started on my sad attempt at an overflow box. i just hope it works...


Brunt of all Jokes~
Karma for " going where no one has gone before" lol rDr4g0n , when are the silicone companies going to come out with designer colours. If you could please check the brand you have used and see if it has anti mould agents added as this would be worse than white seams maybe post the brand.Steve