Blasto rescue


I adopted this red marlo blasto from petco. $1. Its pretty bad looking but still has its mouth. So I'm gonna try and save it.


I snipped away most of the dead skeleton structure so it can regrow new then dipped him in some coral rx and coral accel. Now time to see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried feeding it anything yet? You might want to drop a small pellet on top of it and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
It looks lots better than it did. Your not out of the woods yet, but there is hope.

I disagree with frisbee. I would not make any attempt to feed it for a few days to a week. Let it acclimate to your tank. It did seem to open up, but this can also be because your water is a slightly different SG than the LFS.


Well-Known Member
but what if it's hungry?

This thing has already made a remarkable comeback, I don't think 3-7 days is really going to make much of a difference. If it doesn't eat the food within 10 minutes or so just remove it. Piece of cake. It definitely can't hurt to try. FWIW, my Blastomussa was a voracious eater.



Well-Known Member
Corals will do fine not being fed for a few days. You don't want to feed when it's not acclimated yet because it might take in food and then not be able to digest it. Many corals can absorb nutrients from the water also. You don't want to rush into anything here, since it's very easy to kill a damaged coral. With a perfect coral, you have a lot more latitude for feeding and doing things with it. Not so with a damaged or weak one your trying to save.


I've always gone by the rule to not feed till fully acclimated. Let it do its thing then once its happy feed it. I squirted some zoo by it that's about it. But its doing great