beginner 30 gallon saltwater tank


New Member
Hello just joined today I hope to benefit from your knowledge and advise.

My tank was set up on 03/28/07 and I feel it has finally matured from all of my testing I am getting salinity reading of 1.024 ph is 0 nitite is 0 ammonia 0 and my nitriate is 10 . I currently have only 10lbs of live rock (plan to add 20lbs more) three hermit crabs and a smaller crab that I bearly see it came from the live rock , one blue damsel fish and yesterday while observing I notice that I now have two very tiny star fish.

My problem is now I do not know how to feed starfish and they are so small that I can't identify them . What should I do about feeding them ?


Well-Known Member
Starfish of the type that you have are most likely detritovores. They will feed from the fauna that grows on the rock plus any excess food which goes uneaten by your damsel and its waste. You are going slow and that's great. Too many folks move to quickly and pay the price for it.

The next thing that you need to do is work on increasing your live rock to about 40 lbs total. If you use fully cured live rock from an established aquarium you can do it a little at a time or all at once. By that I mean rock that has been in a fellow hobbiests tank for 6 months or more. If you are going to buy it from a comercial source (where it is shipped to you) you will exepriance die off which will result in anything from a mini cycle to a full recycling of your tank.

Keep an open mind, continue to take your time, and learn as much as you possibly can. Ask any question you like. There aren't any dumb ones.


Smile Maker
:hallo:Welcome to the Sanctuary! Rich4aDay-that's how we all got into this hobby!:lol: I wouldn't try to feed the small ones directly. They will benefit from the missed food that you are feeding your fish, those morsels that get stuck around rocks and in the substrate. They eat fish poo, algae, bacteria what ever they can find. They are good for cleaning under rocks too. Best of luck to ya!:)


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RS!
I too am glad you are taking it slow. That is the best way to end up with a gorgeous tank.
I assume it is a typo when you said that ph was 0.


Starfish don't have to be fed anything inpeticular. They will eat extra scraps and things like that.


Well-Known Member
Hello and welcome to Rs.. Dont try to feed the starfish and definitely dont over feed your tank or you will run into bad water quality issues... Im glad you are taking it slow.


Active Member
:wave: Welcome! Good luck with your progress!! I just want to warn you that Blue Damsels are very mean. I have one and he is SO MEAN! He picks on every single fish in the tank. They are also very hard to remove once you decide you don't want them. I have been trying to catch him for days with no avail. If you don't want him long term, IMO you should try getting him out before you add alot of rock. Good luck!!