basic controller and DIY LEDs


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have skimmed owner manuals of the reefkeeper lite and apex jr two basic(under 200) controllers and cannot find my answer so hopefully you guys can help me out....all im looking to do is have a temp probe and ph probe wave maker and control of my LEDs. I see they offer help for factory units but I have a DIY setup and the dimmable driver current dimmable ability is based of a potentiometer I want to be able to have digital control of my LEDs and their intensity...would love to be able to ramp up and down to simulate sunrise and sunset but its not a requirement.


Well-Known Member
In case of an Apex controller, it's very easy to control your lights, the only needed is that your DIY LED driver has dimming capability.
The Apex Full (Lite and JR don't come with the variable ports needed to dimm the lights), has 2 variable ports, you simply connect your drivers to each.

Programming after it is real easy.

Sorry, don't know if this was your question?


Well-Known Member
My driver is dimmable and came with a potentiometer for in order for an apex controller to be able to dim I would need the apex full? Anyone know about another controller? Would much rather pay under 200 for a controller since im really only looking for it to control the LEDs the temp/ph is a bonus but not a requirement


Well-Known Member
The Apex Jr. doesn't come with a Ph probe neither a port to attach it, you would need to buy a PM1 module + the probe.

It bring a Temp port and probe though


Well-Known Member
The RKL would require 1 or more ALC (advanced light control) modules where you are limited to total of 4 modules. I'd go with the Apex you will find lots more help than with the DA RKL. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
this is going to run 1 LED fixture 1 set of blues 1 set of blues and eventually 1 more set of violet/blue and even maybe a cyan in for good measure so i don't need more than 4, and i just want something that would eventually be expandable and i want to be able to manually control the intensity of the LED's...i'll have to look into the ALC's