Attention: LockJaw. What are the symptoms?


Active Member
My lionfish is acting weird. He wants to eat badly and goes after the food I give him BUT he hardly even opens his mouth. What is going on and how can I solve this?? THANK YOU


Active Member
From everything that I could find on the subject, it appears that "lockjaw" is a fairly common occurance with predatory fish such as the Lionfish and Puffers. The consensus seems to be to avoid any freshwater fish as a food item, provide a varied diet if the fish will eat it, to include (saltwater) fish, shrimp, and any other meaty "seafood". I saw it suggested that an Iodine supplement be used as a preventative measure, but again, there is no proof that this is actualy the cause (lack of iodine) of lockjaw and is strictly ancedotal. But... by soaking its food (when it can eat again) in a supplemental liquid such as Selcon, it can only be a good thing for the fish anyways. But avoid Krill, it is not very nutritious and has been blamed for lockjaw as well when it is fed to a lionfish as its main food source. Again, its important to keep the fish on a varied diet and not just feed it what it enjoys the most. Just like a little kid, they will want to eat ice cream all the time and avoid the broccoli. Sorry I could not get you a definitive answer.



Active Member
Well he wasn't been eating for a week now. Very weird because this lion has been eating ever since I bought him but I had lions who went longer without eating


Active Member
What is your feeding schedule like? Sometimes overfeeding can lead to hunger strikes as well. If the fish isn't able to digest properly between meals, it can lead to illness. A fish in this state may still stalk prey, but not out of hunger, just a predatory responce to prey.


oh my gosh this was gonna be my next puffer seems to have it to..and i mainly feed him krill..actually only krill, he doesnt go for the other food..he wants to eat but he cant get anything in his mouth...please help us on this matter


Active Member
I can't think of anything that could be done for the fish once it already has lockjaw other than to wait it out and hope for the best. Not a good option obviously. Maybe soaking some fish meat in some Iodine and offering it in very tiny pieces to where it doesnt have to use its mouth to crush (chew?) the food would make it easier on the fish. I would get rid of the krill also, or at least, just use it as a treat once in a great while. If the fish can not, or will not eat at all, I would be tempted to remove the fish to a quarantine tank and add some iodine to the water in the hopes it will do something for it, not sure if I could stand it to just sit back and do nothing.



Active Member
Well I usually feed him every two days. Two day he ate a very small piece. I used some garlic powder but he didn't eat the rest of the squid?


Active Member
Having it eat, even a little is an encouraging sign, Hopefully the fish will come around in due time. I would suggest soaking its food in some selcon or other vitamin enriched solution. Not sure what garlic would do for a fish.
Sorry it took me this long to get back to you, phone service was knocked out three days ago and just got it back today.
