Anselth's 70 Gallon Tech Tank upgrade


Well-Known Member
So if it isn't one thing, it's another. Came back from our meeting today (with my new green shroom, pictures tomorrow, today was too stressful) to find my return spewing air bubbles into the display. It seems there was a leak at the output of the UV sterilizer, which led to the ATo being unable to keep up, and the sump level dropped far enough that air was infiltrating the return. I had to shut the system down and add enough new salt water to fill the sump back to its correct level. Unfortunately now the SG is at 1.023, so I have to do another water change to raise the salinity back to 1.025.


Well-Known Member
I know, right Scott? But at least I caught it and have fixed the problem. I'm thinking I'm just going to remove the UV from the system, its just a lot of hassle I don't think is necessary.


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
Bummer Adam. Its a good thing you caught the leak before the pump ran dry!
I just removed the UV from my reef too because of space issues :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
HI ADAM!! :wave:

So glad you're home and safe; AND dealing with your tank problems! j/k on that, but it looks as though you've had the opportunity to dive right in!

Even though these are hassles, aren't you glad to be there!

You know what is needed don't you?




Well-Known Member
you know these reports are what are keeping me from going high tech.... I got me a couple powerheads, a return pump and a skimmer. Glad you caught it though!

So how was the meeting? I'll get to another one one day.


Well-Known Member
Doni, you're not kidding. I'm taking extra precautions now with any plumbing that runs outside of the tank or sump.

Barb, thanks. It's good to be back, and although the tank hassles are a pain, it's very relaxing. I've been spending a lot of time the past few days on the 110 though.

Kathy, The meeting was nice, not crowded, more relaxed than the last one I was at. Talked a bit about MACNA and the frag swap, PM me if you want more information about either. High tech isn't bad, you just have to make sure you check it out and always have a backup plan.

On an unrelated note, I'm finally able to give my review of the Octopus skimmer. I love it. It's pulling a ton of gunk out of the tank on a regular basis. I don't think you can beat it for the cost.

And yes, I know, pictures. Soon, I promise.


Well-Known Member

My purple Ric. It's gotten huge, and looks like it's going to split again (theres another mouth in the back)

This is the Nepthea Frag Panmanmatt gave me at the last NJMRC meeting. I recently moved it up higher, and it really seems to like it up there.

All of my zoos are growing incredibly. Each of these colonies was a 5-10 polyp frag about a year ago.

New Xenia

I've done a little bit of rescaping, and clustered a number of small zoo colonies together.

This is my second Caulastrea colony. It's been growing well, but I can't find a place where it'll stay.

The mushroom I won on Saturday

FTS. Note the cluster of Caulastrea frags in the lower left. If anyone local would like one, please let me know.

The snails are doing a good job on that brown stuff, although I have to relocate them from time to time to make sure they're munching on it.


Well-Known Member
Pictures are great~ thanks!

When you say 'brown stuff' are you referring to diatoms? I have tons of diatoms on one piece of Marco Rock. I didn't even think of relocating snails to spots I want them! Can I just pull them up and plop them where they're needed most?


Well-Known Member
Barb, no, the brown stuff I have is a brown hair algae of some sort. You may be able to relocate snails to eat diatoms, you just have to make sure you have ones that actually will :)


Well-Known Member
So I ended up recieving 14 frags this week. 3 from Dentoid (thanks again Scott!) and 11 from Pacific East Aquaculture. Attached are a few pics of some of the goodies. Not all of them are going to remain in this tank, I plan on moving some to the 110 once I get the lighting installed. The tank's getting pretty crowded, and I need to re-scape it to make everything fit.



How about teaching an old fish a new trick? Apparently the Royal Gramma has learned to play dead.

So, we went out last night, and when we came home Adam turned on the lights in the living room so we could peek in on the tank. The sea hare is crawling around, munching on algae and doing her thing, the urchin is scaling the back wall, looking for coralline to eat, the cleaner shrimp is poking around the corals, searching for snacky bits.

Then we look up at the rocks. And there, lying on his side on the rock behind the yellow pagoda coral, is the gramma, looking for all the world like he just floated over, lay down, and expired. Seriously, limp tail and everything. After a momentary panic (We love that fish. He was fine earlier. What the hey??) Adam reached in with the grabber tool and gently poked the little guy in the side. He promptly shot up and raced off to the back of the tank to the bolt hole where he usually sleeps. Whew. Not dead.

No idea what prompted Caesar (the bastard basslet) to abandon his home and choose to give us both heart attacks by playing dead/sleeping peacefully out in the front of the tank like that. He’s up and swimming this morning like normal.

In retrospect, the cleaner shrimp was down in another area of the tank and the nassarius were nowhere around, so we probably could have realized he wasn’t dead, since nothing was feeding on him. But you see your little buddy just lying there and it can be a bit startling.



Smile Maker
Great story! Royal grammas are quite acrobatic and can often be seen hanging upside down and laying down in caves and overhangs. They are by far one of my favorites!:D

When I was a teen I did some SCUBA in the Bahamas and remember seeing them everywhere on the reef. Fascinating species!


Well-Known Member
Heinz, sorry I've not really kept up with my chronicles. Some real life stuff kind of killed my desire to do much, including updating these pages.

I've been monitoring calcium and alk in both tanks pretty closely and am using two part to keep them in line. Having a little trouble getting Mg up to where it belongs, it's not too low, but I'd like to bring it up maybe another 100ppm.

I removed a number of larger corals from this tank and placed them in the 110 to make it look lived in. I also fragged some of my Zoo colonies for the same reason. I haven't added anything new, trying to let what's in there grow in and fill out.

I changed to a 15,000 K Xm bulb in the metal halide, and I like the coloration a lot better. I'll try to remember to post some pictures later tonight.


As Adam said, he's been monitoring some of the parameters on the tank closely and he's replaced some of the lighting.
We're still battling the brown hair algae, and to that end Adam bought a couple of mexican turbo snails to add to the tank. They're doing a great job, so far! Still have a way to go. It had gotten to the point where algae has been growing on the shells of the other snails.
Actually, funny story regarding that: Gwen, the sea hare was cruising the tank looking for food when she came across one of the hair algae covered snails. She's an algae eater, so she tried to snack on the snail. :) I've never seen a snail move that fast in my life, he wanted none of it!