after para guard now new animal in tank...

sorry everyone for 2 in a row. now there is somthing new in my tank. it looks like a shrimp, but a fresh water shrimp.... its curved looking... tryed to get a pic but know dice.

also there are red things growing int he tank, they are hollow looking and have spots...

and somekind of green leafy looking stuff...

sorry im not haveing a good day with the fish tank.

thanks so much.


Well-Known Member
without pics... it's a real guessing game.. but I will play with a couple out of the dark guesses ;)

red things growing int he tank, they are hollow looking and have spots.

red bubble algae


somthing new in my tank. it looks like a shrimp, but a fresh water shrimp



green leafy... too many ... HALIMEDA ???


Need pics ;)
the red bubble things that is it. should i scrub them off?

HALIMEDA and yes that looks just like it? should i scrub it off?

great guess...


Well-Known Member
No dumb questions... we are all learning & all had the same questions at some point in time...

When you do a water change, just use a hose to start a siphon & suck on it... might could use a turkey baster in a small tank, on a bigger one, you can add a piece of pvc to the end of a hose if needed to get to it & cut the pvc at a 45 degree angle

hope this helps...
couel i just grab it and rip it off?

i go noodling so wouldn't be an issue to just grab it, unless it will be bad for me or the tank.