A few problems with the tank


OK, first my AC has been out in my home for about 3 weeks. So I think that is where my problems have began. I live in Arizona so it is hot during the day and cold at night. I had changed the lighting on my tank, keeping the lights on at night and off during the day. The glass was getting too cold at night and really dropping the temp and the glass was getting too hot during the day. So, now I have started to notice a lime green color on my rocks and some of my zoas are not wanting to open and my star polyp just looks floppy. I tested my parameters this morning. I know my ph is high but thats all I have noticed. Please let me know what you think:

Salinity- 1.020
P.H. - 8.6
Nitrate - 0
ammonia - 0
phosphate- 0
Carbonate Hardness- 11' dkh - 196.9 ( i don't understand this)
temp - 78


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Salinity is way too low for a reef tank ~ should be about 1.025. But bring that up very slowly (over the course of a couple weeks). I'd probably get a heater to stabilize the temperature at night.
Do you have calcium & magnesium tests?


Thanks, how do I increase my salinity? I buy my saltwater from the store. Do I just let it evaporate before I do a water change?
Just do your top-offs with premix. Have to be careful not to raise it too quickly. No more than .001 per day is the rule I follow.

Also, be sure that it really IS that low. Are you testing with a refractometer or hydrometer?


I use a hydrometer. I test it 2 or 3 times to make sure I get the same result. My tank is 6 months old. I have never had it over 1.023. Also, one of my zoas has a swollen head.


Ditto! needs to be slowly brought up. Instead of topping off with Fresh Water use Mixed salt water and add it slowly.

Also it's time you got away from a "hydrometer" because they are notoriously inaccurate and unreliable. Look into a refractometer. They are very accurate and faster/easier to use. I've got one of you're interested shoot me a PM.
I would definitely start with the salinity. The salinity you have right now is for a fish only tank. Also, in order to aid in bringing up the salinity and not over doing it. Make sure that the premix is not too high in concentrated salt. For reference, I would get a refractometer and once you get your premix, check it using that. Natural ocean water ranges from about 1.022 to 1.023. If you are using this to top off as was said above, your salinity will start to increase and your reef will be much happier.

Also, it is normal for your fish to begin breathing harder. There will be less dissolved oxygen in the water so this is normal. Also you can pick up a decent refractometer, brand new for about $26-$30 on eBay.