36 gallons are hard to stock...


New Member
Hi, im trying to start over with my 36 gallon long fish only aquarium. Im going to give my current fish and shrimp back and get a fuzzy dwarf lionfish. Im planning on the dwarf lionfish, a coral beauty angelfish, a pair of maroon clowns, and one, maybe two, other fish. Does anyone have any ideas?:fishy:

I know I shouldnt get the lionfish first but hes just too good a deal to miss out on. Hes a beautiful red and brown lionfish and hes only $20. I watched them feed him and he ate like a pig, and they got him only a day before that. Ive researched them a TON and i have him reserved for me to get this weekend.

Ive put this at other websites and im still waiting for a responce. Just trying to get some info. Im sorry that this post is so long and for any grammar errors.


Hi, im trying to start over with my 36 gallon long fish only aquarium. Im going to give my current fish and shrimp back and get a fuzzy dwarf lionfish. Im planning on the dwarf lionfish, a coral beauty angelfish, a pair of maroon clowns, and one, maybe two, other fish. Does anyone have any ideas?:fishy:

I know I shouldnt get the lionfish first but hes just too good a deal to miss out on. Hes a beautiful red and brown lionfish and hes only $20. I watched them feed him and he ate like a pig, and they got him only a day before that. Ive researched them a TON and i have him reserved for me to get this weekend.

Ive put this at other websites and im still waiting for a responce. Just trying to get some info. Im sorry that this post is so long and for any grammar errors.

I agree with reefsmoker... maybe just focus on the dwarf lion. I've had one before and if I got another one, I think I'd dedicate a tank to it. They're interesting enough on their own, so you shouldn't get bored anytime soon. However, maybe you could put a few corals in there, a few softies, perhaps?



New Member
I cant get a reef tank because of money, Id have to get a new light, and the corals, which my dad cant afford. i would if i could, trust me. Just like i would get a bigger tank, but back to the subject.
I know the lionfish is plenty interesting, but is there ANYTHING I could put in to add a little color? since i cant afford any corals but a xenia? Preferably something that wouldnt get eaten?


mate you are cooking disaster.

first of all your stocking plans are off the chart

it doesnt matter if its a 36g long or 36g tall, in the end of the day, its 36g and for your planned stocklist aint going to cut it unless you double the gallon figure.

second, lionfish are predators. just because they're dwarf, doesnt mean they are cute fuzzy hairballs. dwarf staple food are crustaceans - meaning your proposed shrimp will be a snack in no time.

third lionfishes are POOP machines - they put your filtering system into heavy stress. I had a 250g and had three full grown angelfishes ( emperor, narvachus, asfur ) , four tangs one of them being BIG ( naso elegans, xanthurum, sohal, desjardin ) and other few fishes. BIG overrated skimmer and tons of rock. and the only time I notice changes was when I put in a lionfish.

they are big, they poop big.

coral beauty + 2 fish + lionfish ( even dwarf ) its a recipe for disaster.

either : coral beauty + 2 fish + shrimp OR dwarf lionfish.

I have to agree with the other RS member saying : 36g just doesnt cut it for a FO tank, doesnt have the bioload. ideally , tank mates for the lionfish should be fish bigger than him so hes not tempted to eat : big tangs, groupers , etc.

but your systems doesnt support two big fishes.


I think the dwarf lionfish is a GREAT lil animal. That's "Iffy" on being able to handle that animal SIZE wise. They only require a 30g system "swim-room" wise but they are terribly messy eaters. They gulp their food and leave a nasty "gift" behind that the tank has to be able to process.

Make SURE your tank is up to speed and mature before you add such a heavy single-fish bioload.


Well-Known Member
I said I was going to give the shrimp back, and I think Ill just get the lionfish.

You know, if you could find a LFS that would take the lionfish as a trade, you could get a few smaller fish, perhaps 3 or 4.

Not the same as a lionfish, but smaller more colorful fish might be more entertaining than 1 lionfish swimming around all by his lonesome.


You know, if you could find a LFS that would take the lionfish as a trade, you could get a few smaller fish, perhaps 3 or 4.

Not the same as a lionfish, but smaller more colorful fish might be more entertaining than 1 lionfish swimming around all by his lonesome.

Ditto :)


New Member
thats what Ive been thinking about ALL DAY. "should I get an extra special lionfish thats got a ton of personality? Yeah! Ive been looking forward to a fish more complicated than just smiw around the tank all day forever! But what about color. Hes colorful for a lion, but there still wont be much color."
Its been bugging me for a while. I think I might try with the lionfish, and if im not happy with it, or it dies(PLEASE NO!!!) Ill go for more colorful fish.
And as for the tank being ready for the lion, its been going on very successfully for 6 months. I will keep up with the water changes weekly and try to get ever bit of leftover food that he doesnt eat. I hpe it works...


Well-Known Member
Does he eat prepared food?
Many lions will only eat live food which is difficult to keep on hand.


New Member
well...he ate a ghost shrimp, but i dont know about prepared foods, but i think eating eating at all on its first day in a new tank at the fish store with 2 other large lions and a small tank is pretty good!


Well-Known Member
Sounds pretty typical. You are going to need to keep some type of live food available while you try to train him to eat prepared foods. Do not feed freshwater animals such as mollies on a regular basis. They just cannot get the nutrients they need.
I have heard of people training them with pieces of krill or silversides in a pair of tongs and moved about so the fish thinks they are live, but it can definitely be a challenge.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I would go with a few small colorful fish that have a bit more movement.
Do keep in mind however aa 36g tank is small no matter what you do so you are seriously limited on your bio-load.
Keep in mind that just because the fish is small when you buy it, in many cases it will not stay small so look at the adult size when deciding what to buy,


Well-Known Member
The other serious consideration is that a lionfish is a fish that can get you. If you ever get stung by one, you are really going to know it.

If you need to work on the tank, you either need to use tools so you can keep your hand out of water, or wear gloves and keep a constant eye on where the lionfish is.

I have kept the fish, and yes they are interesting, but in my "old age" I have a rule that I'm not going to keep anything that can come after me. I recommend you go for several other fish.