20 Gallon Nano Cube Questions


New Member
:heart: Hi All,
I have a 20 gallon nano cube and in it have a cinnamon clown fish and a green spotted puffer, oh and a chocolate chip sea star. I have recently felt bad for my puffer, he seems to need more room to grow when I got him I was told he would be fine in the 20 gallon tank but looking back at old pictures I can see how much he has grown. Anyways, I think I'm gonna get rid of him : ( but how do I go about doing that? I want him to be in a big happy tank. Also, is the clown fish OK in this tank or no? And if not, it looks like I'm out of fish. So what can I put in the tank? Ideally I would like something really pretty and colorful, like an anemone and a clown fish or something similar. Any ideas/help?


KUDOS to you Sheila for researching and doing something that is painful (emotionally) for you but the RIGHT thing to do for your fish. My hat is off to you!!

First you say "How do I go about doing that"? Do you mean how do you get rid of it? If that's what you mean here are some ideas:

A) Ask around locally (reef clubs, Craigslist.com etc) and see if someone with a bigger tank is looking for that. Maybe you can sell it or trade it. If you can't do those it's better to GIVE it away than keep it and watch it suffer.

B) Check with the LFS's there and see if they will give you store credit? Once again if not just "donate" it to them.

You ask about your cinamon clown. Here are some "specs" on this fish :)

Cinnamon Clownfish
(Amphiprion melanopus)

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Max. Size: 4"

It may be "ok" right now in that tank but it's a bit "tight" for it's long-term health.

If you want an anemone you'll want to research each and every kind for proper tank size as well as light needs (they need VERY high output "intense" lights).

good luck :)


Active Member
very much agree, glad you are looking out for the wellfare of you fish. I would maybe recommend a cardinal fish. they are very hardy and are ok in smaller tanks.


New Member
Thanks to both of you for your help. These fish stores are very misleading and I don't know a whole bunch about the salt water fish stuff but I have enough common sense to know when a fish is growing! So I'm gonna try Craig's List first then resort to donating them (both fish) last. I like the Cardinal fish so I might try them. Does anyone have any other ideas for a 20 gallon tank as far as fish or any other plant life that will do well in that tank size? THANKS!!!