175 Bowfront

Hello all! I'll be posting pics of my 175 gallon bowfront, these first pics are ones I've taken previousely and uploaded to Instagram, forgive the quality on some. Ton's more to come as I just got a new Macro lens !!!! :hooray: Thanks for viewing and Happy Reefing!



Well-Known Member
Beautiful corals & fish Kevin !!!

Tell me about your Blue-ringed octopus !!! He is sooooooooo pretty


Well-Known Member
Wow I have heard of people keeping blue rings but I haven't met one. IT looks awesome!!!Do you stick your hands in the tank lol?
Beautiful corals & fish Kevin !!!

Tell me about your Blue-ringed octopus !!! He is sooooooooo pretty

Thank you :D I got him in as a "Caribbean reef" Loooooong ago at the LFS I worked at, quickly saved him from being sold and took him home! He was pretty much the coolest thing EVER! I fed him teddy bear and evil crabs, and every time I cleaned the tank it was through a 4" PVC tube with a gloved hand!! He lived 2 yrs and 2 mos. and was more intelligent than most dogs I swear!


Well-Known Member
Wow very cool !!! He sure is pretty !

For any newbie ... I read this about them...

Most octopi carry venom to imobilize thier prey. The Blue Ringed Octopus makes up for its small size with potent venom. Many un-educated swimmers and divers have handled this creature and have been fatally bitten. Care in captivity must be taken to extremes understanding that if the octopus does manage to escape, a bite to a pet or a child could result in a fatality.

Reminded me of this RS thread... http://www.reefsanctuary.com/forums...-potential-stings-poisons-our-reef-tanks.html
I can't believe I forgot to mention that! These in particular are extraordinarily VENEMOUS and can immobilized even the largest humans in minutes! These guys are NOT for aquaria IMO. I kept this specimen ONLY because he was shipped and didn't want to "flush" him. I took this responsibility upon myself, and on the record DO NOT recommend trying to aquire one, they are for the oceans beauty.


Acropora Nut
Great shots mate! :eek:lsmile: you've got awesome colouring on those corals and beautiful fish, also I applaude you on you effort with the blue ring. It's always nice to see people who are willing to do that for such a beautiful creature and I'm sure he rewarded you equally rather than just waste such a wonderful, if not deadly, friend.

Also what sort of lights are you using? Time periods? If you don't mind me asking
Great shots mate! :eek:lsmile: you've got awesome colouring on those corals and beautiful fish, also I applaude you on you effort with the blue ring. It's always nice to see people who are willing to do that for such a beautiful creature and I'm sure he rewarded you equally rather than just waste such a wonderful, if not deadly, friend.

Also what sort of lights are you using? Time periods? If you don't mind me asking

Indeed sir! I was not worthy to have such a truly awesome creature though he was most assuredly happy for his days, and just gobs and gobs of fun interaction. I thank you for the compliments, on this 175 I have only 2 Radions (Not Pro) at 11 AM it ramps to green,white,red channels, ramping to 14k at noon, at 2 it ramps to 20k, and from 6-11pm is royal and cool blue, as well as half intensity red. From 11-midnight are only royal blue and red (a nice magenta).


Acropora Nut
The fact that you gave him a great life (especially that he lived to the ripe old age of 2) makes you more than worthy enough!
Awesome thanks for that info mate! If my tank looks half as good as yours I'll be over the moon :spinner: