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  1. S


    My fish have been disappearing over the last month and I couldn't figure out why, my parameters were perfect and still are. Anyway I went on holiday ten days ago and when I came back the person looking after my aquarium reported getting electric shocks off it, I have never had this, but then...
  2. S

    What's your favourite fish and why?

    Just a fun topic to find out what the top marine aquarist's fish is. My vote goes to my two clowns, they are just so silly (I guess that's why they are called clown fish). I have 2 BT anemones and 2 toadstool corals in my DT, and where do the clowns live? You guessed it in the corals! They...
  3. S


    I have just added a pair of blue throat triggers to my DT. They are the last additions to my tank due to their potentially aggressive nature, whenever I view them they are model citizens, however I have noticed that something has taken a bite out of my mandarins tail, it can only be the...
  4. S

    Simon's 410 litre (108 gallon) DT

    Well here goes with the pics of my tank. I'm going to start with my old tank. It is a rather tatty looking RSM 130D Doh! I have to have 5 posts before I can post an image. This is my 5th post, so hopefully next time, fingers crossed we'll get a picture
  5. S


    Hi, I am Simon, and have just joined the forum. Just thought I'd say hello to you all, I have read topics on here for many months prior to joining, so I guess you could say I am a reformed 'lurker' :) I have 3 aquariums my main DT which is 100 gallons, a 55 gallon and a 30 gallon which is now...