

I have just added a pair of blue throat triggers to my DT. They are the last additions to my tank due to their potentially aggressive nature, whenever I view them they are model citizens, however I have noticed that something has taken a bite out of my mandarins tail, it can only be the triggers. Has anyone had any experience of these nipping at other fish, I am wondering whether or not to remove the mandarin to the QT, but then if I do that I'll be re-introducing him to a tank where the triggers are established. Do you think they'll keep nipping his tail? If so, I'll need to get either the triggers out or the mandarin.


I checked again today and the mandarin has no more chunks missing from it's tail, but it's habits have changed, It now spends more time high in the water. I guess it's trying to keep out of the way of the triggers. I guess I'll watch some more and if he becomes too unhappy I'll move him.


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RS Ambassador
Mandarin are slow swimmers so it wouldn't stand much chance against the Trigger. Another concern would be its ability to find pods for food now that its swimming higher up. Might end up starving.