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  1. Brent F

    Reefmack's RSM 130

    Happy birthday, Terry
  2. Brent F

    Red Sea Max Full Tank Shot Photos

    Unconventional use of RSM 34 Here's the latest setup of my RSM. The setup is for a Tokay gecko with about 2/3 land and 1/3 water. I reversed the flow in the back to make a waterfall coming out of the overflow grate. The back contains the water heater, filtration and a mist fogger. I...
  3. Brent F

    Setting up my RSM Refugium

    I had a clump of green hair that I wasn't diligent about removing. It broke free and got sucked into the grate. Never did setup the 90 gal. I'm going to sell the light, skimmer and sump and keep the tank for over wintering koi from the pond. I'm doing Ironman Canada in August and my girls...
  4. Brent F

    Setting up my RSM Refugium

    No, the grate to the back got blocked so the main tank started overflowing. With the ATO and the sump I ended up with about 10 gallons of water on the floor. Woke up to the sound of pumps sucking air so I knew I had a problem.
  5. Brent F

    Setting up my RSM Refugium

    After my third flood in the past year and a half I'm converting my RSM back to sumpless
  6. Brent F

    RSM (Red Sea Max) Owners Club

    Today is “Talk Like a Pirate Day”, the biggest holiday of the year for Pastafarians. To recognize this I thought I’d give an update in pirate speak It be 5 moons now since I put th' Green Chromis in wi' th' Frogfish t' try an' get th' Frogfish t' eat. They be still livin' together fine. Th'...
  7. Brent F

    RSM (Red Sea Max) Owners Club

    welcome, Jerry I see you have grown from 23 to 673
  8. Brent F

    RSM (Red Sea Max) Owners Club

    I have heard breaking up the light can control algae. Try something like 3 sets of 4 hours on, 1 hour off. That will give your corals teh light they need but screw up things for the algae. Have a good weekend at the lake.
  9. Brent F

    RSM (Red Sea Max) Owners Club

    Witfull is right; maintaining high water quality will usually keep your fish healthy. For a freshwater tank with bad infections the best approach is large water changes to improve water quality. In cases where the fish is very sick medicating in a quarantine tank is sometimes necessary to...
  10. Brent F

    RSM (Red Sea Max) Owners Club

    Yes, Melafix works on both the bacterial infections (translucent eye covering) and the fungal infections (cottony / stringy covering). There are a pile of different treatments available which is why figuring out which type of infection it is is important.
  11. Brent F

    RSM (Red Sea Max) Owners Club

    Since it is on the eye only it is likely bacterial. If the salt doesn't help Google "fish clowdy eye" and you should be able to find a trouble shooting chart. Sounds like the infection is far along given two fish have already died. Do you have a lot of fish in that tank? If so, you might...
  12. Brent F

    RSM (Red Sea Max) Owners Club

    Great point, Lynn For eveyone new to this forum, check out the other sectios and threads. There is a lot of great stuff here.
  13. Brent F

    RSM (Red Sea Max) Owners Club

    There are a number of bacteria and parasites that cause cloudy eyes in FRESHWATER tanks. To diagnose you need to look at a number of things. Is the eye covering cottony, translucent or more clear; is it on the iris only, the whole eye, also on the body; has an eye popped out; is there...
  14. Brent F

    RSM (Red Sea Max) Owners Club

    Great source of info where the people answering questions admit they have never seen the tank :laughroll . The lack of knowledge and plain wrong info being posted about the tank is actually funny.
  15. Brent F

    RSM (Red Sea Max) Owners Club

    Reefmack, that's the second day this week you used the "bad day" card. Good luck with the air conditioning problem.
  16. Brent F

    RSM (Red Sea Max) Owners Club

    Bryce, you can get a piece of glass cut and silicone it onto the existing baffle to extend it higher. Leave the existing one there, silicone the new piece to it. Here's a picture black lines - existing glass red line - new piece added blue lines - water levels
  17. Brent F

    zoas, shrooms

    Stock lighting will be fine. You only need to upgrade if getting into SPS and some LPS or if you want a clam
  18. Brent F

    RSM (Red Sea Max) Owners Club

    Get a bigger sump to handle the power off volume ;) I looked at your sump and it will be hard to use a skimmer with the existing baffles - it isn't designed for using with a skimmer. You could put the sump in the first chamber (where the bioballs are) and extend the second baffle (the one...
  19. Brent F

    RSM (Red Sea Max) Owners Club

    The existing sliding cover blocks up the existing grate as you suggested. The problem you run into is the existing channel for the wires is too low to add teeth. The only way to get the tank to surface skim without having to have a cup jut into the display is to cut the electrical channel...
  20. Brent F

    RSM (Red Sea Max) Owners Club

    The skimmer attachment is an okay patch but it is a "patch" to a problem. I find the box jutting into the display an eyesore compared to the much cleaner solution of simply making the grate high enough to surface skim with the tank filled. Too bad Red Sea didn't come up with a less obtrusive...