Recent content by Paendora

  1. Paendora

    Fautin & Allen's Anemonefish Guide

    maybe this link doesn't work anymore? asks for a user name and password. any tips??
  2. Paendora

    Rock was an Oyster??

    my nitrates went off the chart...into the 100s. my ph dropped and the nitrites were high. There were trace amounts of ammonia for a few days. The long story on the cycle: When the hang on filter died, seemed timely to switch to a sump. I consulted everything I could find (in a crash...
  3. Paendora

    Rock was an Oyster??

    hmmm. guess it was due to open in its own time. was hoping to find a reason for the decline in the shrooms....everything else in the tank looks good.
  4. Paendora

    Rock was an Oyster?? Opinions Wanted!! My frilly mushrooms were doing so well. (I think there's pictures in the photo gallery). Just before Christmas I lost the hang on filter and converted to a sump. The conversion process created a...
  5. Paendora

    Green Algae Overrun?!

    :::joining the JFK Jr Club:::: My Sea Hare ROCKS!! I've caught my six line wrasse eating snails (but I keep buyin' em anyway) Nothing bothers my Sea Hare and he mows down everything. Nevertheless - make sure the algae isn't indicitive of water issues. Susan
  6. Paendora

    OT: frustrated w/ no job

    Hang in there! I lost my job the end of August. Like you, a few 2nd interviews, possibilities looming - they're still just that - possibilities. Two months ago, 6 mths of unemployment pay looked like plenty. Now I'm starting to get nervous. Even though my husband has a good job, I have...
  7. Paendora

    Protien skimmers

    I agree with the advice above that newbies are safer to have than to have not. For a new tank, my bio load is fairly heavy (or at least I think so). A LFS helped me locate a used good quality skimmer. Less investment to test the results, and my levels have become much steadier. Every tank...
  8. Paendora

    TIEBREAKER poll - October '06 Photo Contest

    almost feel guilty chosing one over the other! Fantastic shots - congrads to both regardless
  9. Paendora

    Was I wrong?

    We have three stores in town. I'll never forget hearing a LFS tell a customer that tap water was just fine for their aquarium, that RO was just extra expense. Instances of hearing inacurate or worse - incomplete info - just to ensure a sale has me comparing anything I hear to a variety of...
  10. Paendora

    Is this Fission? Propagating?

    Thank you, Thank you. Today, the division looks more pronounced. I think I'm going to have to work on rearranging/adding to my rock. Just hate moving it, it seems to love where it's at!
  11. Paendora

    Is this Fission? Propagating?

    Here's what it looked like a couple of days ago. And, is this a Ricordia as the LFS told me?
  12. Paendora

    Is this Fission? Propagating?

    My mushroom is has been very active lately. The latest is this new look. Is it splitting? When I got these two 'shrooms 6 months ago, they were on a small rock. They were doing really well in the sandbed, so I left them there. If they start splitting, do I need to have this small rock...
  13. Maroon Gold Band

    Maroon Gold Band

  14. Ricordia


    Mushroom before lights come up
  15. Ricordia


    Mushroom expanded