Recent content by GeeWizzItsMe

  1. GeeWizzItsMe

    Here We Go Again!

    NIIICE!!!!!!!!! I am so jealous of your reefing skills! Teach me the way lol! Your pictures are really nice and your corals are AMAZING! I need more corals... Heck, I need a fish...
  2. GeeWizzItsMe

    OT: funniest commercial of '07

    Head On commercials are the funniest. Head On commercials are the funniest. Head On commercials are the funniest.
  3. GeeWizzItsMe

    Here We Go Again!

    Nice new shots and corals!!!!!!!! That's funny because MY Fiji is looking better than ever lol!
  4. GeeWizzItsMe

    Please Help with My Project!

    Awesome! I feel like I need a better contribution, though!
  5. GeeWizzItsMe

    Here We Go Again!

    I love the bicolor frogspawn! That chili pepper will be a bombshell in no time!
  6. GeeWizzItsMe

    Octoman's 55 gallons of euphoria

  7. GeeWizzItsMe

    Chronicle to Christopher's 1st Reef Adventure!

    Alrighty! I rescaped slightly!I'll have pics up soon!
  8. GeeWizzItsMe

    Chronicle to Christopher's 1st Reef Adventure!

    Oh! And the montis are looking great!
  9. GeeWizzItsMe

    Chronicle to Christopher's 1st Reef Adventure!

    PS I am thinking of rescaping... How should I go about that?
  10. GeeWizzItsMe

    Chronicle to Christopher's 1st Reef Adventure!

    I'm thinking of ordering some zoos, a lobo, and an acan from Pacific East Aquaculture (Dr. Mac) any reviews on them??? They are having a REALLY great sale, BTW...
  11. GeeWizzItsMe

    My 24 gallon Nanocube journal (PIC HEAVY)

    I want more pics to see them open lol! I want more cuz they are good! I REALLY like the aquascaping BTW!
  12. GeeWizzItsMe

    Surprise!!! Thank you Drew!

    AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Melanie definitely deserves that! Great job! I need some better frags to send to her...
  13. GeeWizzItsMe

    Chronicle to Christopher's 1st Reef Adventure!

    Haha! Thanks! It is my dad's Canon Eos 30D, but I want a personal slim point-and-shoot for fun and stuff... He is not about spending money for a protein skimmer because a stupid LFS told him I don't need one, and my dad won't listen to me...